Chapter 35

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Charlie hands me some food and Harry begins to cry. I pick him up and rock him whilst tapping his back softly. Charlie starts to play peek-a-boo with him. Harry laughs and Charlie kisses me.
"I love you." he whispers.
"I love you too." I reply kissing his cheek.
I pass Harry to him gently and start eating my dinner again.
Charlie POV-
She hands me Harry and starts screaming uncontrollably. I panic and look over and Mark who has now got up.

He walks around her as she is now crying and screaming all of our names.
"it looks like the erudite have an advanced fear simulation I am guessing" he says loudly.

"Bobbi come on you can do this fight the serum!" I plead.
Bobbi POV-

My phone starts to beep but then turns into a crying baby.
I look over in Marks direction who is laughing uncontrollably and pointing to Alec.
"Which one of you annoying sods changed my ringtone to a crying baby. this is going to drive me insane!" I shout across at them.
I leave my phone until it goes silent but then it starts to ring again. I quickly pick up.
"Hello" I say sighing.
"Hi Bobbi better watch out or something bad might happen to that family of yours." says a low manly voice.
"Who is this?" I ask voice stern.
"Your worst nightmare" replies the voice.
"You don't scare me, who are you really probably an erudite or a factionless is my bet!" I say loudly down the phone.
"shut up you don't know anything!" the voice replies harshly.
"I know more than you erudite whom I am now guessing has a vengeance due to being outranked by me and kicked out of dauntless! you deserved it coward!" I comment strongly.
"Watch your mouth or he gets it!" shouts the voice.
I see a red light appear on Charlie's back.
"You son of a bitch!" I shout down the phone.
Charlie turns to face me sees the laser and shoots the gunner quickly with the gun in the back of his jeans.
I smirk as the gunner falls down dead.
"You will pay for that!" shouts the voice angrily before hanging up.
"CHARLIE RUN!" I shout at him.
I sprint over to Alec and Mark and warm them someone is coming.
I notice Harry isn't wearing what he was two minutes ago and Charlie's hair has been gelled up into place instead off it in its usual messy curls. I notice a load of different things in this room alone and get confused.

I can hear Charlie faintly saying something even though his lips aren't moving.

I blink. When I open my eyes Charlie is on the verge of tears. I hug him tightly whilst sobbing quietly.
"I love you bob" he says into my ear.
I smile and wipe my face "I love you too!" I reply.
He takes my hand and leads me back home carrying Harry in the other arm.
I tuck him into his cot and head to sleep myself as fighting the serum has drained me on energy completely.

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