chapter 6- Jobs

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"It is that time again for each of the Initiates to pick. Madi Eaton" I step up to the microphone. Dad nods at me he knows what I am going to pick. "Dauntess leader" I say quickly whilst hurrying over to dad who gives me a hug and puts his arm around me for suport as I can barely stand.

I see Noahs eyes dart out to dads hand around me. augh no. I see jealously flare up in his eyes. dad laughs I hit him playfully on the arm and he losens his grip. he quickly realizes I am about to fall and grabs me. Noah comes over to us. Dad walks off. "what was that about?" oh god i'm gonna have to tell him. I grab his arm and lead him about to My thinking place by the chasm. "okay right you must have questions asks ahead" he smiles. He looks so gorgeous. "okay first off why where you with four? He looked worried about you?" I knew he would get the wrong idea. "well you see..." I am interrupted by mum and dad who come over to me thinking I was alone. "babe, hey are you okay, what time do you need to be back?" god Noah must be so confused "I'm fine Mum, she said I need to be back by at least two." Noah looks from me to Dad and mum. "are you..." Dad rolls his eyes. "yes? why? just a pre-warning go anywhere near Mads and you are dead. do you hear me?" oh god he is so overprotective "Dad, lay off it's fine he won't hurt me" Noah smiles at me gratefully "does he know yet?" dad asks, mum looks straight at me. I bite my lip "know what?!" Noah asks in a frustrated tone. "Mum, Dad can you leave us for a few minutes I promise I will go straight back after this, go wait for me there if you like!" Mum takes Dads hand and leads him down the corridor.

"okay what were they talking about?" he asks in a hurt voice. oh god I can't tell him. I calm my breathing down. "okay right, first thing you should know is my parents are quite obviously protective they have been that way since I was about ten." he gives me a confused look and a peck on the cheek he can tell i'm finding this hard "when I was ten I got really ill and one day I collapsed, they rushed me to hospital as soon as they got home from work and found me. It was cancer." at this I start to get chocked up on the memories he reaches over and pulls me into a hug."anyway I had been in re-admission for about 6 years. Remember the other day when neither of us could sleep and I met you in the canteen?" He looks worried "yes" he replies on the verge of tears as if he knows what I am going to say next. "Well I was walking back to the dorms, when I felt a bit lightheaded, I thought it was just some old bug or as a result of lack of sleep" He starts to cry. "b-b-but then I woke up In the infirmary and my old doctor told me it was back." I burst out into tears and we are both hugging and crying.

Divergent fanfic - four& tris' daughter- MadeleineWhere stories live. Discover now