Chapter 18

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I walk down to the choosing ceremony and sure enough Andrew picks to become a dauntless leader and initiate trainer. He walks straight over to me and reaches out for a hug I am about to except it and he sweeps me of my feet. "DREW PUT ME DOWN NOW! NOAH?!?" Noah stands to my right and laughs at my reaction. Everyone is staring "This is a warning Drew, I will hit you if you don't put me down!" I shout. Noah and his continue to laugh. "ooh you asked for it!" I shout once more. A crowd has formed around us. I kick him in the ribs and he laughs. I punch his wrist and elbow his chest. His grip loosens and I quickly twist. I grab his sleeve and quickly turn keeping my leg over his leg, The impact makes him stubble forward. I break from his grip. A grab Noah's hand and laugh. He kisses my forehead. "You do know we think alike, so I know you let me win" I whisper to drew he laughs and takes Anabel's hand as she walks off stage. I smile. He kisses her gentlely  then she leads him out of the room. Noah takes My hand and I realise I have a meeting tomorrow with the faction leaders. I text Andrew-


We have a meeting tomorrow with the faction leaders, I will pick you up at eight sharp.

P.s. Dad has the flu so him and Mum won't be comming. :)

My phone buzzes-

Okay sure thing, please knock though!

I laugh and Noah comes through "Alex is holding a party with our close friends tonight babe" I smile good! "Okay we are there." I put on a really tight black dress with a golden pocket in the left top corner. I walk out and Noah stands mouth wide open. I grab my posh leather jacket and thow it on.

I ring the doorbell "Hey!" he screechs. I cover my ears.

I zone out of most of the night at 11 I look at my watch and decide to leave because I am not feeling well. I get the key out ready to open the appartment door, but it is wide open. I load my gun and walk around the house I don't see anyone so I go to the kitchen. I feel three pairs of strong arms holding me down. They blindfold me and I become very selfconsious. I begin to panic. I am being lifted I am thrown against a wall and I hit my head from the impact. I blackout.

When I wake I get ready for bed and Noah texts me-


Are you alright I saw you leave, did anything happen? I am coming wait 2 secs baby

I smile and the door bursts open. "Whats up" Noah joins me on the bed "I am not feeling well" I state He looks worried then gives me a kiss. "Get some rest and lets see whether you will be better by morning" I nods and close my eyes.

I wake up in blind panic "What wrong? What is happening?" Noah quickly jumps up. "Nothing, It was just a dream" He nods and gives me a hug. He makes me a cup of tea and we go and watch 'Sherlock' Which is a really good tv show. Noah soon is asleep on the couch next to me. I continue to watch it. I look at my tv remote it is about 3 a.m. when I decide to head off to bed. I wake up in the morning at 6. I look in the mirror I look awful. I grab my makeup kit and begin to paint it onto my face. I look in the mirror again and I look human once more. I grab some toast and spread so nutella on it.

I give Noah a kiss on the forehead he is still asleep on the sofa I leave him a message on the table beside him Off to the meeting, I love you -M x.

I run to Andrews room and bash on the door "get up lazy sod" I shout through the door. I hear laughing "I am coming" Soon after Andrew walks out and he gives me a hug. I lead him to the train track we pick up speed. He jumps and gets on. I stretch my hand out and he pulls me up into the carriage. "Are you alright?" he asks me I nod my head. I hate lying but I don't want to seem weak. I have bruises all down my right side. I feel so ill. It is time to jump, I brace myself for the pain. Andrew takes my hand sensing my tension. He jumps and I land on him and laugh. "sorry" I wince. I hope he didn't see.

Divergent fanfic - four& tris' daughter- MadeleineWhere stories live. Discover now