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Alec POV-

I share a confused eye contact with everyone who all look equal stunned! After all, it's been over three months since she 'Died!' Charlie isn't here, I don't think she'll want to explain that all again, he's doing what she asked him and looking after Harry, not wanting to be In this house with their memories surrounding him.

Bobbi has taken over five minutes in the bathroom.

I knock on the door.

"Bobs are you okay?" I ask.

"Bobbi?" I call.

I get no reply.

Mark raises a brow and steps up to the door.

He knocks broadly on the door.

"Bobbi either reply or unlock the door or else we will kick the door down, bobs stand back!" he warns.

"Don't kick it!" I say.

I pick up one of her hair grips of the side and turn the lock.

I quickly open the door and see her lying unconscious on the ground.

"Bobbi, Bobbi wake up!" I say shaking her lightly.

"Alec!" mark says pointing to her chest.

I move her hand and see blood.

"Her stitches have burst!" he says.

I pick her up and push past the others through the door to the infirmary.

I sprint down the stairs and push open the doors.

I get a doctor and out her down softly onto the bed.

"What's your relation to this girl?" an erudite doctor asks me.

"I'm her brother" I say simply.

"We are going to need to re-stitch her wounds then, once she is awake, she is free to leave!" the guys says closing the curtains around her bed whilst he stitches the deep wounds.

"Are the bullets out?" he asks.

"I don't know, she went to erudite, we weren't allowed to see her!" I say half true- they don't let you see patients there but, she sure wasn't one of them!

"Okay" he says finishing stitching.

"She'll wake up in around five of ten minutes" he says walking off.

Mark runs through the doors and stops by my side.

"Where am I?" I hear Bobbi groan trying to sit up.

I help her up.

"In the infirmary dickhead" mark says laughing.

She laughs and elbows him.

"Come on, let's get you home" Alec says.

Mark and him help me up onto my feet and keep and arm around my shoulder helping me stand upright as we turn the corridors and walk the stairs.


Bobbi POV-

They push open the door and lie me down in bed pulling the covers over my head.

"Dicks" I say laughing whilst pulling it down.

Alec smirks as mark laughs like a maniac.

I laugh so much it hurts my heart at marks weird laugh.

I throw a pillow at him.

"Youre so weird" I say smiling.

"Who? us? we aren't weird" mark says as him and Alec pull double chins at each other.

I laugh.

"Idiots" dad mutters.

"Funny idiots" mum says handing me a hot chocolate.

"Thanks" I say sipping it.

I hear a knock at the door.

"Charlie open up!" I hear Quinn (our friend) shout.

I grab a torch and flick off the lights.

"Time to make him scared" I say.

I open the door slightly making it creak. it's pitch black so he can't see.

I flicker the light beneath my chin and laugh as he runs off screaming.

I close the door and switch on the light laughing so hard I can't stop as I crawl back into bed.

"That was hilarious" mark says collapsing onto the bed next to me.

I kick him.

"Move your fat arse!" I shout at him whacking him with a pillow.

"Fineee" he moans getting up having a tantrum.


Authors note:

I'm so sorry I haven't been updating in like forever but here's another chapter :)

Divergent fanfic - four& tris' daughter- MadeleineWhere stories live. Discover now