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I frown at Jenn. Why is she crying ? She just looks at me and then walks past. Ryan's room. I follow her until she disappears into the dark hole that is Ryan's room at the moment.

I turn to face my best friend and smile, I've missed her. I hug her really tight.
"Hey." She laughs. "Missed you."
"Missed you too, dude." I smile.
"You guys are weird." Loki says as he walks past us, planting a quick kiss on my forehead.
"What you been up to ?" Addy asks.
"Sleep and Netflix." I say, smirking at her.
"Don't make me jealous."
"Ad, I wound never." I laugh.
"I'm making popcorn." Loki calls from the kitchen.
"Yay." Ad and I say together.

He laughs loud enough for us to hear him from the couch.
Addy glances up at Ryan's room and sighs. I then realize that whatever she's doing up there, it's not something she can be happy about. Her tears are finally making sense.
"She's ending things with him, isn't she ?" I ask.
"Yeah." Addy whispers.
"Don't look so glum you guys." Loki says as he plants himself between us.
We both laugh.

Jenn walks down the stairs, tears streaming down her cheeks at double the speed they were earlier. I stand up and go to her, take her hand and pull her into the garden.
Once all I can hear is the sound of birds chirping. I look at her pointedly.
"I just couldn't take it anymore, Ry. The drinking, the anger, the friends. And then when he hit you." She looks at my jaw and shakes her head.
"I get it. It's not easy to be with someone like my brother."
She nods her head.
"Go home, rest and I'll see you tomorrow at school." I say.
"Okay. You're amazing Ry. I kinda sorta love your soft side."
"You're one of my only friends, of course you'll see my soft side."

I hug her and watch as she gets into her car and leaves. I go back inside to Loki and Addy. They're laughing at a joke that a tv character made. Loki throws a piece of popcorn at me and I squeal out of surprise.
He laughs.
I sit on his lap and kiss his cheek. His arms wrap around me and that's how we stay for the duration of their visit.
Addy leaves first. Loki stays behind not really wanting to leave but eventually I convince him that mom would have a fit if I asked for him to
stay the night.

"You think you would ever fall in love ?" Loki asks.
"Yup." I say.
"Awesome." Loki says as he moves closer.
I kiss him, for the first time in a while I make the first proper move. He kisses me with a deep tension. He's nervous about something. I pull back, kiss the top of his nose lightly and frown at him.
"What's up?" I ask.
"I need to take you on a date." He says, he hugs me.
"Now there's a idea."
He takes my face into both his hands, kisses me slowly and heads home. Leaving me all alone with my thoughts.
'The last day of school." A sign above the schools front door reads. I groan, no school means being alone with Ryan because he's grounded.

I walk into maths, not really wanting people to stare at me. My bruise has faded but it's still pretty potent.
Addy walks in, she's talking to a guy called Caden. He's one of the guys that plays rugby but doesn't find it amusing when they hurt others. I think it's safe to say that he's a good guy.
"Hey Rylin." He waves.
I wave back, smiling at the fact that he thought to say hi.
Addy makes her way to her seat, and I smirk at her. She rolls her eyes at me.
"What was that all about?" I laugh.
"He's sweet." She says nonchalantly.
"Caden and Adeline. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think ?" I tease.
"Shut up." She laughs.
"Glad you found someone, Ad."
"Me too, now I don't have to watch you and Loki suck on each other's faces."
"We are not that bad." I say, knowing that I've been very very subtle with my boyfriend. In and out of the public eye.
Everyone knows I'm not comfortable with too much affection.
As the final bell goes, everyone jumps from their seats eager to smell the new air of the summer holidays.
I make my way to my car, Addy not far behind. We're supposed to do something fun today. I sit in the passengers seat since Ad asked if she could practice for when she gets her car, she had her license but hasn't driven since then.
When I look out the window, she's talking to Caden again. A part of me thinks it's cute but most of me wants to blow the cars horn at her and tell her to hurry up. I wait.
Loki walks up to the window and sticks a post it note on the window.
Tomorrow, 17:00. Nothing fancy.
He winks at me and then leaves. My stomach flutters, I don't think he'll ever not have that effect on me. I roll down the window and retrieve the piece of paper. I put it safely in my phone cover where I know I won't lose it.
"Finally." I moan as Addy gets into the car.
"Sorry." She says sheepishly.
"Whatever Ads. What we doing today?" I ask.
"You're getting a new wardrobe."
"No I'm not. There's nothing wrong with my clothes." I say.
"Everything is wrong with those washed out jeans and loose tops."
"Loki likes it." I point out.
"He most certainly does not." She laughs.
"Fine." I say, giving in.
"He's taking you our tomorrow, right ?" She asks.
"Uh huh."
"Well then we'll aim for that first, then work our way to everything else."
I don't say anything, still completely against this whole thing.
As we stand in the queue, waiting for our turn to pay. I realize that this was a mistake, I don't have the money to pay for any of these things. There's a reason I wear Ryan's hand me downs.
"Adeline Marks, I can't afford any of this." I whisper.
"My treat." She says, winking at me.
I stare at her with utter awe, my best friend is selfless, kind and I love her to bits and I tell her so.
"Love you too, bud." She smiles.
"If you're paying for this, I'll get us coffee." I say.
"Sounds good."
"I'll be right back."
I make my way to the closest Starbucks, their coffee is too bitter for my liking but I don't care. I'm getting two iced coffees just because it's boiling out.
Addy and I sit on my floor, deciding on what I'm going to wear tomorrow.
She holds up a pair of shorts, but I shake my head, still too self conscious to wear them.
She holds up a black skater skirt and I nod. She smiles at the fact that we're finally making some progress.
I hold up a light blue top that has a white lace trimming at the bottom and Addy nods in agreement.
"Hungry ?" I ask.
"Is that even a question ?" She laughs.
"Pizza it is then."
Rylin - help, idk how to get ready without you.
Addy - On my way!
I get into the shower and try to be as fast as I can, Addy will be here in the next 10 minutes or less.
I step out of the bathroom, towel around me. I squeal. There's someone in my room.
"Ryan. Out." I yell.
"You have a towel around you." He shrugs.
"That makes absolutely no difference." I scowl.
"Sure it does. I just need to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"Are you busy tomorrow?"
"No, why?"
"Can we maybe do something."
"Ryan." I moan.
"Only if Addy can come."
"Deal." He smiles.
"Okay, now out." I saw, pointing at the door.
Addy arrives a few minutes later and helps me French plait my hair in two. She puts on as much makeup as I allow, which isn't much. And then Loki arrives.

The boy who broke me Where stories live. Discover now