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I hug Addy goodbye and make my way to the door.

"Bye Mom." I yell at the door.
"Wait." Mom replies. I hear her footsteps running toward me. She looks me up and down and smiles.

She figured out where I'm going. She hugs me and I head off to the car. Loki steps out of the car and smirks at me and opens the door so I can get in. On the window in front of me is another post it note.

Hey my angel, can't talk till we get there. Might ruin the surprise.

I sigh, I really wanted to talk to Loki. But I guess I can wait a car ride. On the way there the words my angel play round and round in my head. It's what my dad used to call mom.

It was his way of showing her that he loves her, his way of saying that he cared. Loki, Loki cares. But I don't think he loves me, not yet anyway.

As the car pulls to a halt, it feels as if my whole body starts smiling.

"Thank goodness." I breathe and run around to Loki's side of the car. I hit his chest with about as much force as I have in me and hug him. I press my head into his shoulder and he rests his head on mine.

"It feels like I haven't seen you in ages, I missed you." I say, my voice muffled by his t-shirt.

"I saw you yesterday." He laughs, it's throaty and very manly. It's completely amazing.

"Whatever." I say, swatting his shoulder.
For the first time since we got here, I pay attention to where we are. It's a beach but the waves are being slowed down by a cliff that goes half way into the water.

There are no waves and the water is a deep turquoise yet clear enough for me to see the sand beneath it. The cliff is so far out that I think it could take you easily a hour to reach it. With what I don't know.

The sky is clear and only dotted with a few clouds. The sun is warm on my skin, which just makes everything so much better.

"Loki Scott, this is amazing." I breathe.
"My dad used to take me here as a kid, I've always loved it here."
"Well come on then." I say but realize that I don't even have a costume. I groan.

"What?" Loki asks, smiling at me.
"You didn't tell me about the water, I would have brought a costume."
He laughs and then walks back to the car, I stay where I am and wait. He comes back, a pair of board shorts in his hands.

Obviously not my size and that's the last thing wrong with it.
He lifts it up and underneath is a full costume, my size.
I look at him quizzically.

"I stopped by Addy's house and she gave me a costume you guys bought yesterday. I couldn't tell you because it would ruin the surprise.

"You must be the most organized and creative boyfriend ever."
"It's one of my many many awesome qualities."

"One of many." I kiss him on the cheek.
"Get changed behind that rock, I'll be right back." He says, turns around and makes his way to a small red wooden house that I only notice now. His hair blows in the wind and his muscles tense as he makes his way through the sand.

I put on the costume but put my clothes on over, not wanting to walk around in front of Loki without any pants on. I've been called fat too many times to count and when you're told something enough times you start to believe it.

Especially when you're not the skinniest girl, clothes and guys tend to make a girl believe that.
I sit on the rocks and wait for Loki to get back, the waves roll onto the sand. Shells coming and going with them. It's gorgeous here, one of the most worth while places I've seen in a while.

The boy who broke me Where stories live. Discover now