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The short summary of Shane and Rylin.

The question.
I've been soaking up every moment of our holiday.The days are filled with beautiful warm rays of sunshine that invite you to spend your time outside.

Ryan and I have been considering that he sees a speech therapist that can help him with his stuttering. He says he'd like to propose to Jenn without stumbling over his words. I understand how he feels but I also know that Jenn would say yes, no matter how he asks her.

Ryan wants to propose as soon as possible even though Jenns parents would prefer it if he waited until they finished their studies. I know they have a soft spot for him though so they'll be happy and supportive no matter when he asks. They've been dating for more than 6 years now so he's really eager to propose.

As I pull on my sneakers I fee my phone buzz in my back pocket. The screen lights up and I see Shane sent a message. A smile instantly forms kn my face and i have to stop myself. I shouldn't feel this way about Shane. It isn't going to work, we're complete opposites and he always seems to get on my nerves. And if we ever dated I wouldn't know if it was because he liked me or because of the deal he made with Ryan.

Shane - Hey there, wanna do something ?
Rylin - Sure. What ?
Shane - Meet me outside in 20.

I rush into the bathroom and get myself ready in record time. Butterflies fill my stomach at the thought of seeing Shane and instead of squashing them, I decide to let them flutter.

When I step outside Shane's already waiting for me, he has a single daisy in his hand and is holding it out to me.

"For you, Milady."
I smile sheepishly and reach out for the flower and as my hand grazes his he kisses it and leaves my skin tingling.
"What are you up to ?" I ask suspiciously.

"Time will tell, dearest Rylin."
I playfully punch him in the shoulder but can't stop myself from smiling at how happy he looks. A warm feeling fills me, his happiness is infectious.

As he takes my hand and guides me to the car, the warm feeling from earlier spreads and eventually I can feel it in my toes. I never felt this way with Loki.

He always gave me butterflies but I never reacted this way to his touch. He never goofed around with me or bought me flowers. Our relationship was based off of each other's hurt and how people kept on causing a gap between the two of us.

I loved him but what we had wasn't healthy and it could not have lasted into something bigger. I dont regret the year that I spent with him but I wouldn't go back to him. I grew into a stronger person because of him and for that I'll always be grateful.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours ?" Shane asks.
"Just thinking about how different you are to Loki." I say, feeling embarrassed to admit that i'm thinking about Loki.

"Oh please. There's no comparison!I'm ten times better and hotter than that bum." He scoffs and I laugh at how confident he is.
"I never said you weren't." I say jokingly to appease him.

The car ride is quiet except for the music playing through the radio. Shane belts his heart out and it makes me melt inside, he's truly happy. When I read up about bipolar, the night that he told me, it said that it was a type of depression but the person could be happy too. Each emotion is taken to the extreme.

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