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"Summer. It's summer baby. What are we doing ?" Loki asks, his voice sounds far off as though he is talking into the phone but standing far away from it.

"The beach, maybe a road trip. Oh, we could stay in our beach house that's about a 8 hour drive from here." I say.

He doesn't answer, there's a shuffling on the other side of the phone.
"Scott, what are you up to."

I scowl, he's being vague and I can't understand what a big guy like him, would be doing in the shops. I glance up at the calendar, looking to see if there was any holiday coming up that i could have forgotten about.
And then it hits me.

I take a big intake of air, trying not to fall over.
It's tomorrow.
Tomorrow a year ago Loki and I met, we decided that we'd make it our anniversary.
To be different.
And I lost track of time, I forgot.

"Hello ?" The voice, coming from the phone asks.
"Hey. Sorry. So... shopping ?" I ask, trying to sound as innocent as possible like I haven't forgotten.

Because if i forgot our anniversary that makes me a horrible girlfriend and a even worse person.

"Well, you're just going to have to wait and see what I'm shopping." He says and I can practically hear the smirk on his face.

"Well, I'll leave you to it. See you soon." I say and before I can mess this up even further, I put the phone down.
I'll have to apologize for that one, later.
As I throw on a dress and sneakers, I speed dial Addy. If I'm going to get last minute shopping done and get it done properly then I'm going to need my best friend.

A shopping trip would also help our friendship. We've needed some time together for a while now and neither of us has been brave enough to ask.

Well now I'm asking, because I miss my best friend and her jokes. I miss her so much that it physically hurts me to think of how long ago we did something together.
Gosh. I'm horrible.

"Hello ?" She asks, her voice full of sleep.
"Mornin' sleepyhead. Better get up." I say, filling my voice with as much bright sunshine as I can, hoping to shine in her eyes and wake her up. Metaphorically of course.

"And why would I do that ?" She grumbles.
"Because you and I haven't been the same, we need to fix that and -" I sigh. "-I might have forgotten my anniversary with Loki." I say sheepishly. Completely ashamed that those words just left my mouth.

She laughs, she absolutely just dies on the other side of the phone. I hope she gets a stomach cramp after this.

"You... did... not." She breathes, but doesn't sound in pain. Dammit.
"I kind of did. Help me." I plead, sounding as helpless as I am.
"Okay. Okay. It'll be nice to spend time with my bestie anyway."
"Oh, thank you thank you thank you."
"Pick me up in 10." She says and puts down the phone.

With her help, I should be able to find a suitable gift and figure out what the two of us will be doing since I stupidly insisted that I choose what we would be doing because on every date we go on, that was his job.
I mentally kick myself, hard.
As I pull up on Ad's driveway, I almost turn right around.
Her brothers and all their friends are having some sort of party on the front lawn.

I climb out of the car slowly, using the 'no sudden movements' method that one would use when coming into a encounter with a wild animal.

It doesn't work.

"Hey. Would you look at who it is." Ethan hollers.
"Rylin." Grayson whoops.
"Wanna join ?" Gabriel asks, his intention is anything but kind.

The boy who broke me Where stories live. Discover now