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My day starts off with work, the shop is hectic and so busy that I barely get a spare second to breathe.

"Waiter." Someone calls from the far corner of the restaurant.
I walk in the direction of the voice and when I see his hand shoot up I pick up my pace. Not wanting to upset a customer and get into trouble with Steffan.
My cheeks flush red, it's Gabriel and his girlfriend Hannah.

His face turns malice and Hannah gives me a look that sends shivers down my spine
"Welcome to Pocos." I say with as much of a cheery tone that I could muster in a situation like this.
"What ? The freak need some extra money ?"
"Maybe her brother needed some more booze."

They both chuckle, enjoying this way more than they should.
"I'd say maybe you guys could get a job too, but you know what they say. Money can't buy class." I walk away, my hands are shaking but for the first time in a really long time I stood up for myself.

" Rylin ? What happened back there. Are you okay ?" Caroline asks.
"They wanted tea, told them this was a coffee shop."
"That's not what i saw."
"They tend to be jerkholes, I just couldn't be their waiter and take the things they said." I say, my voice comes out weaker than I wanted it to be.

"Well then, I'll make sure they get ice cold coffee." She says, a goofy smile on her face.
I laugh and hug her, really really thankful that I have someone to hug when things get rough at work.
Loki walks into the shop half an hour before my shift ends. I smile at him as he sits in a booth. His white shirt stands out against the worn out red leather of the seat. The gel in his hair reflects the light above him. I can't help but smile. He has no idea what effect he has on people. Every single girl in the room turned their heads as he walked in.

"Good morning Mr Scott. What can I get you today ?" I ask.
"Surprise me. But first I want a kiss."
"Cant. I'm working." I smirk and walk away.
"Rylin." He groans but I keep walking.
As soon as Loki drops me off at home i run upstairs to get ready for our day.
Once I'm dressed I knock on Ryans door but eventually find out that he was waiting at the bottom of the stairs.
"Ry. Do you have a second ?" Ryan asks, his voice totally wrong.

"Yup. What's up ?" I ask cooly.
"So I know I've said sorry before, but I wanted to say sorry again. For everything. For hitting you, for being a jerk, for not being by your side, for drinking. For not being your brother."

I smile at him, his eyes are shiny, as if he had tears in his eyes that just needed a extra push to go cascading down his cheeks. He's beating himself up for the bad things his done when really I just want to forgive him and move on.

"Listen bud. You've messed up in the past, but so have I. We all have. You're my brother and you pretty much take up my whole heart. Nothing you could ever do would make me leave or hate you."

He nods, but doesn't fully understand yet. One day, he'll get it.
"Rylin, you're bloody amazing."
"Of course I am."
I hug him and we head out to the car, ready for whatever adventure Loki and Addy have planned.
The car engine hums underneath my feet, Addy drives a really old Beatle and it's noise is so loud that I can barely hear the words playing out of the speakers.

I had to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets
And ask me your questions
Oh, let's go back to the start
Running in circles
Coming up tails
Heads on a science apart
Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard

Addy hums along to the tune, her fingers strumming against the window. My foot bounces up and down against the gray worn out carpet. I have no idea where we're going and it completely scares me. The cars movement and my nerves, they all add up.
"Calm down, would you." Loki says, looking at me over his shoulder and places a hand on my knee, forcing me to stop.
I smile weakly at him, at a loss for words.
Addy chuckles, obviously amused by Loki and I, he's being completely nonchalant and me ? Well I'm losing it.

The boy who broke me Where stories live. Discover now