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The last couple days morphed into one, everything just feels sad. Every smile seems like it's in the wrong place and I've been avoiding everyone because that's all I see when I'm around my friends.

They all give me the same smile where there lips are only slightly pulled up and they aren't showing there teeth because they aren't actually smiling. They're giving me look that spells out pity in every language and I don't want that. I don't want pity.

So I allowed myself to pull back for three days and that's it. That's all I have to be sad and whatever else I need to feel after my boyfriend broke up with me.

But when that third day is over then I'll step out of my bedroom and I'll be the person I was before Loki but I'll be better. Because I've learnt things that I wouldn't have learnt if I had stayed the quiet girl who felt like she deserved to be treated like nothing and didn't feel like changing.

I've changed. I've grown. I'm not that girl, I'm a improved version of her and just because a guy broke up with me doesn't mean that I'll just go back to who I used to be.

Because i loved Loki, he was the best thing that I could have asked for to help me through the toughest year that I've gone through so far. But it wasn't just him, I had others too.

And now he's gone and I'll be be fine. It will hurt for the first part, but eventually he'll just become a memory that I don't miss. Because I don't need a guy who turns on me the minute things turn tough.

And today's my third day, outside of my bedrooms door there's a life that I'm not quite ready for. I start thinking about how one my day in here couldn't hurt when there's a knock on the door, it's really faint. As if the person on the other end was afraid that if they knocked too loudly I definitely wouldn't come in.

"Hey there." Addy says, her voice just above a whisper.
"Hey." I smile.
"How're you holding up ?" She says and sits down beside me.
"Getting better slowly." I nod.
"Oh Ry." She says as she pulls me into a hug.

"He just left."
"I know and I'm so sorry that he did that to you. But I'm here and so is Ryan and Jenn."
"Thanks Ad." I say, resting my head on her shoulder.
"Oh, Shane's been calling."

"What ? How did he even get my number ?" I ask really confused because I gave my phone to my brother when Tyla kept on sending me messages saying how sorry she was and that Loki didn't mean it. I didnt have the strength then to read about how sad he was when he was the that gave us both a reason to be sad.

"Well, that's where you'll have to ask Ryan."
"What do you mean ?"
"I don't know the whole story."
"Adeline Marks, what story ?"
"I'm not allowed to tell. Just ask your brother."
I groan but holler Ryan's name through the empty passage anyway.

A few moments later, Ryan's footsteps are coming up the stairs but there's someone coming up behind me and I get the feeling that it isn't Jenn.

"Is Jenn here ?" I whisper before Ryan gets here.
"No." She sighs defeatedly.
"Then who i-" My question is cut off by the door opening. But it's answered as the two boys walk in.

"You yelled ?" Ryan asks, looking between scared that I'm hurt and amused that I just yelled at him the way I used to.

"Yes I yelled." And I was going to ask him how Shane got my number but don't since he's standing right behind Ryan.

"Hey Rylin." He waves, as if him being here is normal. I'm the only one in the group so far that knows him but he's chilling at my house with my brother ? None of it's adding up.

"Hey, what are you doing here ?" I ask, really not in the mood for small talk.
"Uhh, well...you see."
"I invited him." Ryan says, shrugging.
"You two know each other ?"
"You could say that." Addy growls.

The boy who broke me Where stories live. Discover now