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My first day at work felt like it lasted forever. All the kids that I spend all day avoiding at school hang around and enjoy the coffee here and I they enjoy making fun of "freak the coffee girl" even more now. But at the end of the day when Steffan told me that he'd seen enough of my skills and would pay me in full for this week as well, it made the whole day worth it. My phone buzzes and I smile at the screen without even thinking about it.
"Hey my angel, how was work?"
"Long, but worth it."
"You home ?"
"Meet me on your driveway in 10."

I run upstairs, planning on changing out of my uniform when I pass Ryan's room and notice him and Addy sleeping. On the same bed. What in this world ? I knock on the door but it's like trying to wake the dead so I walk in and shake Ryan awake.

He looks tired but his eyes aren't red from all his smoke and beer. Always a good sign. I smile at him, glad that Addy managed to pull his socks up a little for him. Maybe not all the way up but they'll get there.
"Adeline Mark is one amazing yet scary girl." He says as he stands up from the bed.
I look at the two of them, not quite sure what they make of the situation. Addy likes Caden and Ryan is still madly in love with Jenn. So this is just a friend thing, cute.
"We're getting there Ry." Ryan says as he walks out and into the bathroom.
"Since when do you and my brother have sleepovers." I ask, laughing at the mere sight of Addy as she wakes up all confused in my brothers bed.
"Since I was tired and you weren't home yet." She smiles and knocks on the bathroom door, obviously she's got a idea up her sleeve.

Loki pulls up in the driveway and I haven't had a chance to change yet so I run downstairs, filthy uniform and all. If he loves me, he has to love every side of me right ? As I step out of the house I jump up in surprise. The floor is boiling, the summer sun cooking the pavement. My toes curl up, in pain. I yelp and jump onto the grass. Loki looks at me and then doubles over laughing.

"Hey there, my gorgeous girl." His voice is husky, probably because he just laughed at his girlfriend who was obviously in pain.
I run towards him, placing my feet on top of his so they don't burn. I kiss him, slowly hoping it lasts longer. I saw him yesterday on our date, but haven't kissed him since we said we love each other. I see Addy and Ryan through my window and it hits me. It's tomorrow. Ryan wanted to do something with me today, how could I forget ? I look at Loki, horror playing across my face.

"What is it ?" He asks.
"I forgot." I whisper.
What type of a bad sister forgets that her brother asked her to spend time with him. So what if he has been a idiot. He asked.
"What did you forget ?"
"Loki, im such a bad sister."- I groan -" I was supposed to do something with Ryan."
"No. Absolutely not." He growls.
"What ?" I ask, not sure I heard him right.
"That bruise still lingers in my memories, you cannot go out alone with that idiot you call your brother."
"You and Addy are coming too. I'll be perfectly fine." I smile.
Loki groans but doesn't say no, so we head into the house. Hoping Ryan forgot as well.
"You miss her." Addy says to Ryan, her tone is sad yet sure. I shake my head, knowing that the reason my brother drank double as much as he did before is because of how much he misses Jenn. I've seen her a couple of times since their breakup and every time she seems less and less like herself. She needs him just as much as he needs her, I found out about two years into their relationship that Jenn was depressed, she used to take pills to keep it under control but she stopped when her and Ryan got serious, he made her happier. But now that they are no longer a couple, she's back on the pills. She has been for a while now, even while they were still together.

The boy who broke me Where stories live. Discover now