Chapter One: The Park

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Sakura's POV:

My Mom and I were busy in the kitchen baking cookies together while my Dad was reading his book on the couch. Mumbling things under his breath like "just one little bit of cooking dough" or "jeez" as he pouted childishly.

I giggled.

"Daddy you know better than to try to eat the cookie dough before we're done," I told him.

For someone as young as I am, you are probably wondering how I can speak like this when I'm only 3?

Well, I am what my parents call a 'Prodigy'.  Or a genius as other's say. I learned to read and write at a fairly young age as well. And of course, that came with the ability to speak.

I read quite a lot actually. I spend quite a lot of time doing so. But it's the struggling to carry some of them that make them challenging. I believe some of them even weigh more than I do.

"I know sweetie but it just looks so good I couldn't help myself, " He said while looking away from his book to face me.

I giggled again as my Mom put the cookies in the oven.

"Alright, 30 minutes and they'll be ready!" My Mom stated with a bright smile on her face.

"YAH!!" I cheered as I started jumping up and down with my hands in the air. My pink hair getting flailed around.

"Can we go to the bookstore? Can we, can we, can we, can we?" I ask repeatedly.

"Sorry Saku-chan, but not today. How about you go to the park to play?" He suggested.

I was disappointed that we couldn't go. I just finished this book about the Hokage and it mentioned something called, 'Catra' or was it 'Chakra'? Anyway, I wanted to go see if they had any books on it.

But I brightened at the idea of going to the park. It was one of my favorite places to go. My eyes sparkled with joy.

" Ok I'll be back by sunset bye!" I shouted and ran to the park.


~At the park~


I arrived at the park to see plenty of kids playing around. Some on the playground while others on the grass. All with big smiles on their face as their happy laughter fills the air.

Then I see a group of girl surrounding something. Fawning and squealing uncontrollably. I peer over their shoulders to see two boys.

One boy had sun-kissed blonde hair that spiked up in all directions. He had azure blue eyes that reminded me of the sea. The sparkle in his eye looking a lot like the shine the water created.

The other had hair as dark as a raven's feathers with piercing onyx eyes. Looking quite a bit like a charcoal color. Like I had seen my mother paint with on the occasion.

The girls were swarming and them with what seemed to be hearts in their eyes. Scratch that they were their eyes.

'fangirls' I thought.

I tear my attention away from them to an open field. There some kids were kicking around a soccer ball. Until one of them kicked it too hard and it landed on top of a nearby roof.

"Aww man," one of the kids exclaimed.

Out of nowhere, sand suddenly started wrapping around the ball from where it stood on the roof. It gradually making its way into the hands of a red-headed boy.

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