Authors notes

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Ok I know I keep repeating what happened to Sakura's through out the chapters and it is probably getting annoying. But I think it just tears at your heart strings each time you hear it. Imagine of that happening in real life though. Watching your parents be tortured and killed before your eyes and know that you can do nothing to stop it. All you can do it watch. That would be heart shattering but it is a big part of the storyline so I it will be repeated a few times but after this next chapter it will be a while before its brought up again.

I know that what I said isn't exactly how Nejis father died but it is similar to how it actually went down. To those of you who don't remember or don't know this is wha actually happened.
Someone broke into the compound and kidnapped Lady Hinata from her room while she slept. As he was making his escape Hinata's father killed the man before he could get away. The man who was killed came from a rival clan and demanded that Hinata's father be killed or a war would be waged. To protect the clan leader Neji's father took his place and was sacrificed. Neji hated the royal family (at least I think they're called the royal family to be honest I really don't know) ever since then and blamed them for his father's death.
Then later on after Neji and Narutos battle in the final rounds of the Chunin exams he learned the truth of what happened. Hinata's father was in fact willing to go through with being killed but Neji's father stopped him. He said that he would take his place for the sake of the clan because they would be left without a leader. Hinata's father refused so to prevent it from happening Neji's father knocked him out and left to the rival clan.

Sorry I don't know the names of Hinata's or Neji's fathers.

Feel free to leave comments I'm open to any suggestions.

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