Chapter Ten: Don't Let Others Define Your Worth

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Hinata's POV:

I ran through the forest in the dead of night as fast as my shirt legs could carry me, tears were streaming endlessly down my face. My foot the. collided with a tree root and I fell hard to the ground.

My name, Hinata Hyuga. The heiress of the Hyuga clan and daughter of the Head of the clan. My violet hair was kept short with two bangs framing either side of my face. My eyes were a pearl colour with no irises. A common trait amongst the Hyuga Bloodline.

I cried even more and more tears fell from my eyes. My knee was scrapped and blood was flowing from it. But that didn't hurt nearly as much as the pain in my heart.

'Why? How could he be so ruthless?'

I couldn't help but wonder. I never knew how he can be so cruel to me. What had I done? I'm his daughter, doesn't that count for something? Aren't I entitled to some love and affection from him?

It doesn't have to be much. Just maybe a hug every now and then, some bouts of encouraging words maybe even a simple "I love you". But no... Instead he's constantly telling me how weak and pathetic I am.

"Hey are you ok?" A familiar voice asked.

I turned around only to see none other a person with a striking pair of emerald eyes and an unusual pink coloured hair. It was none other then my classmate Sakura.

She gasped.

"Oh my god Hinata-chan are you ok? What happened?" She asked worriedly.

She must have noticed my marked up knee and undoubtedly the tears that fell from my eyes.

"I f-f-f-el-l-l" I answered.

I shivered as the night wind brushed past me. I had not realized how cold it was outside, but that's to be expected when it's in the middle of night.

She bent down beside and took off the red hoodie she always wore and handed it to me revealing the violet t-shirt she wore underneath it.

"It's cold out tonight, here" she offered.

A small smile on her lips. Graciously, I took it from her and put on. I found it warm and comforting. I could still feel the body heat that remained from when she wore it.

"T-t-than-k you" I said.

"No problem Hinata-chan! Now to deal with that knee..." she started.

She took out a little bottle of water and a cloth from her pouch. She poured the water on the cloth and began to clean up my knee. She wiped away the blood and cleaned out the dirt. Upon finishing, blood continued to spill from the wound.

"I'll have to wrap it up in something to stop the bleeding".

She looked around, but came up short on something. Then she rummaged in her pouch but found nothing, suddenly the look of an idea appeared on her heart shaped face.

She ripped the bottom part of her shirt, exposing the pale skin on her stomach.

I gasped.

She then took the fabric her had tore from her shirt and wrapped it around me knee, then tied a knot in it to hold it in place.

"There good as new" she said, offering me another one her smiles.

"Ok now that that's taken care of you can tell me why don't you were crying and running through the forest" she suggested.

I looked down to the ground.


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