Chapter Twenty Seven: [Editing]

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Sakura's POV:

My plan succeeded. I was able to free Kakashi and now he was up and fighting. He charged at Zabuza with a kunai drawn and at the last second countered with his sword. He's slowing down.
Kakashi got plenty of rest inside that bubble and Zabuza had to keep the flow of chakra into the water, into the water clones and the hidden mist jutsu.
Kakashi had the upper hand in this fight and he may come out on top.
"Sakura!" A hyper voice called.
I turned to see a blob of orange and yellow running towards me.
"Hey Narut-" I was caught off as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug.
"You scared the life out of me... But that was still awesome!" I blushed lightly at the first comment but giggled at the next. I returned the embrace.
"Don't worry I'm fine" I reassured.
He let go and we went back over to where Sasuke was.
"Since when can you do water clones?" The Uchiha asked.
"There are a lot of things I can do" I answered. But his word repeated in my mind. Weak
I cringed.
"But that doesn't make me strong" I added.
I returned my focus to the fight at hand. They two skilled shinobi stood on top of the lake. They each started to the exact same hand signs simultaneously.
"Water Style: Water Dragon Justsu!" They shouted together.
On either side of them the water began to spiral upwards until forming the head of a dragon. The dragons began to duke it out until one of them won. Zabuza's dragon returned into its normal liquid state and fell down into the lake.
Kakashi's dragon then quickly charged at the nin with such speed that he was not able to evade. The force of the water knocked him down and slammed him into a tree. Zabuza stood leaning against the tree, barely conscious.
The sliver haired Jounin went to finish him off when all of a sudden two senbon appeared and flew into Zabuza's neck. It killed him instantly.
From the trees a hunter nin emerged and leapt to the body's side. From the mask I could tell he was from the hidden mist village. Of course they'd be after a rogue from there own village. But something was bothering me.
"Thank you, you have made my job easier now I must take my leave" the hunter spoke.
The way the senbon penetrated the skin was so precise, the killing blow. But where it entered....
Hunter nins words confirmed my suspicions.
I quickly threw 5 kunai at him pinning his clothes to the tree he stood in front of. He could no longer make hand signs.
"Sakura what are you doing?!" Naruto exclaimed.
"Yeah what the hell?" Sasuke asked.
"A hunter nin is supposed to take care of the body of their victim immediately after death. So why would they leave somewhere else? Unless..." I explained.
"He's working with Zabuza" Kakashi finished.
"Zabuza is not dead, he's only in a temporary death like state" I told them.
"So you figured it all out?" The imposter said.
To our surprise he started doing hand signs with one hand. The kunai flew back at us which we easily dodged but it gave him the time he needed to escape along with Zabuza.
"We will meet again" He said before he vanished.

Sakura, Strong like no other  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now