Chapter Twenty Four: [Editing]

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3 and a half weeks later

Kakashi's POV:

"Sasuke, are you in position?" I spoke  into the headset.

Currently we were on a mission to catch a runaway. The target shouldn't be too far from our current location if I was correct. We had been tracking him for a short while until now, my three students having surrounded him in the middle of the forest.

"I have reached point A and standing by" he replied via his own.

"And you Sakura?" I then asked.

"I am in position at point B" the pinkette responded to her father.

"Naruto?" I questioned.

"....Point C is covered Datteboyo!" The blonde answered.

"Your too slow Naruto" I scolded him.

Naruto was about to start this big rant about he wasn't in fact slow and so forth but thankfully my raven haired student interrupted him.

"Target is in sight" he stated.

Sakura's POV:

We returned to the Hokage's office and after saying my good byes handed the cat back to its rightful owner.
"Oh Tora I was so worried!" The large women said. She pulled the furry creature into a bone crushing embrace.
Tora turned to me and gave me a pleading look. And she wonders why the cat ran away
"Sorry Tora" I muttered lowly.
It was too quiet for the women to hear but to the cats exceptional hearing Tora received the message clear as day.
The cats face turned into a look of defeat knowing that there was nothing I could do to help it. And there's no doubt in my mind Tora will once again try to escape.

After the women left the rest of team 7 and I stood before the Hokage.
"Hmm lets see which do you prefer. Pulling weeds from a farmers garden or taking care of a futil lords son?" Minato asked.
"Old man I'm tired of all these stupid chores! I want a real mission!" Naruto burst out.
"Naruto I know he's your father but at least show some respect" I whispered to him.
"Naruto you are out of order" Kakashi said.
"You will accept any mission the Hokage gives you is that clear?" The Jounin said.
"It's alright Kakashi he didn't mean any harm" The fourth stated.
"But if I may Lord Hokage I have to agree with Naruto. For nearly the past month we've done nothing but D ranked missions and completed each and everyone to a tee. We are 3 rookie Genin and we will need actually mission experience. So perhaps we could do a C ranked mission? Of course we will have a highly skilled Jounin with us" I proposed. The Hokage began to ponder my reasoning. He then looked at Naruto worriedly.
"I know you're worried about Naruto, any parent would be. But you have to let him do things on his own. And he won't be alone. Sasuke, Kakashi-sensei and I will there as well" I said.
He sighed.
"It's seems there's no excuse I can make can I? Very well then you will be given a C ranked mission in the Land of Waves. You will be escorting a bridge builder named Tasuna" he said.
A door opened and revealed a drunken Old man leaning against the door frame.
"This is my escort? A little girl, an emo and a short idiot?" He said slurred.
"Hahaha he called you an idiot teme!" Naruto laughed.
Sasuke and I stepped forward next to him. He soon noticed the height difference and quickly became mad.
"Why you!" He said. He began to charge but I held him back.
"Naruto maybe it's not such a good idea to attack the person were suppose to protect?" I suggested.
He huffed but calmed down none the less.
"Anyways Tasuna, I'm Sakura Haruno
and this is Naruto" I said pointing at the blonde. "The quiet one over there is Sasuke and the Jounin is Kakashi-sensei. Together we make team 7 and yes we will be your escort" I said.
"Hmmph" The bridge builder said.
"You will leave tomorrow morning at 5:45, come prepared. Dismissed" the Hokage ordered.

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