Chapter Sixteen: Not Ordinary, Extrordinary

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Kiba's POV:

I stood there with my fangs bared and my eyes narrowed into slits. I glared at the kids in front of me with all the anger and grit I could muster. A nine year old isn't really that intimidating but I didn't really care about that. They just continued to make snarky remarks and mock Akamaru, my ever loyal companion, and myself. Akamaru, the ever intelligent dog he was, knew right away that these guys were starting to get me riled up. He stood beside me and growled at them with all the ferocity his adorable puppy features would grant him.

"Your nothing but a couple of mangy mutts!" One shouted.

"Yeah why don't you go chew on someone's shoe or something?" Said another, a smug look on his face as he high-fived his ugly looking friend.

"I'm not a dog! And Akamaru is not a mangy mutt!" I shouted at them in protest.

But all they did was laugh some more. There were six of them, and I wanted to punch them all square in the face. I think Mom is starting to rub off on me, what with all the beat down she gives to those who defies her. Huh, maybe that was why I got in trouble so much. Like Mother like son.

But I knew I couldn't. I may be called an idiot ninety percent of the time because I do stupid things all the time but I was smart enough to know I couldn't take on six people single handily.

"Catch you later dog breath and I'm not talking about the fluff ball that you call a pet" a brown-haired boy yelled over his shoulder, his friends snickering at the rebuke.

The kids left and I just stood there with balled fists. Not only that, I was clan heir. So I represented my clan and my Mom may not be so adamant on formalities and all that stuff but I still had to resort to the peaceful solution. And it sucked. It sucked just standing there and letting them walk all over me like that. It sucked being the victim of their stupid words that I really wish didn't bother me. And Akamaru...I could hear him whimper slightly. He may be a dog but he clearly understood what they had said and was hurt. It sucked that I could barely stick up for him.

"Those jerks! They don't know anything!" I yelled out in frustration.

When I looked over at my partner, I see him sniffing the air- with great interest might I add - frantically. He looked practically desperate to find the source of the smell, what ever that may be. Maybe it was a steak, I could use some red meat right about now.

"What is it boy?" I asked, mentally hopping it was steak.

He didn't even respond,he just bounded off in search of the smell like as fast as his short legs will carry him. I may have a better sense of smell then the average human but it was nothing compared to a dogs nose, so I couldn't catch the scent he was chasing after. Not only that, he was a lot faster and got a big head start. I ran after him at full speed but he was still very far ahead, about 100 metres. He ran along the dirt pathway that would have led to the shopping district but he just suddenly he turned onto the open field.

I followed after him as best I could but I could feel myself starting to get winded and he just kept running further away. In the distance I could see a girl sitting alone on the blades of green grass. Her soft pink hair danced in the wind and slightly distracted me from my task.

It wasn't until Akamaru launched himself onto the girl, did he snap of his reverie.

"Woah!" I heard her cry out in surprise.

As I made my way towards, I caught a strong whiff of a smell and inhaled the scent deeply. It was so enticing, so alluring, so intoxicatingly good. The scent was no doubt the one Akamaru had followed all the way here. It smelt like cherry blossoms that grew from the Sakura trees. Akamaru continuously licked the nameless girl (that was going to change, I promise) he had tackled. The little beige pup was perched on her chest and his little pink tongue kept darting out to lick her pale ivory cheeks that were glistening from all the small dogs saliva. She was giggling uncontrollably, and it was a very pleasant sound. It was full of mirth and childish joy, something most girls had lost when they met the young Uchiha. It was like a breath of fresh air to hear a sound so soothing and so natural pass through her pale pink lips.

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