Chapter Twenty Nine: [Editing]

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Naruto's POV:

Teme and I were preparing our sleeping bags when Sakura came in.
"Where have you been?" I asked her.
She smiled.
"I had a talk with Inari that's all, we were out in the forest and he fell asleep" she explained.
"Oh, ok" I said.
Sakura then took out her sleeping bag and began to get ready for the night. After we were all ready I turned off the light and laid down in my bed.
"Goodnight guys" I said.
"Goodnight" said Sakura.
"Hn" said Sasuke.
Not longer after I fell asleep.
About a few hours later I woke up for some strange reason. It was 2:00 in the morning. Isn't that just great. Now how am I supposed to sleep?
I looked over to Sasuke and he too was awake.
"What are you doin-" I was cut off when he placed his hand on my mouth.
"Idiot, she's sleeping but that's not all look" he whispered. I looked over to Sakura's sleeping form. Her usual smile  was no where in sight, her forehead laced with sweat. Her eyes scrunched up and her hands twitching at her sides. She was having a nightmare.
And not a very pleasant one at that.
Then the door to our opened and out came Kakashi-sensei. He saw that we were awaking and looking at Sakura in her state of distress and discomfort.
He walked over to Sakura and looked at her. Pain shown in his eye and frown visible beneath his mask.
"Sensei, is Sakura alright? She looks like she's having one heck of a nightmare" I whispered to him.
He nodded.
"She's fine, this is nothing new" he answered.
"Then let's wake her up and the nightmare will be over with. Then she can sleep soundly" I suggested.
This time he shook his head.
"No, she has the same nightmare every night. Every time she closes her eyes. She dreams of that one night that happened so many years ago. It's haunted her ever since" he said.
"What has?" Asked Sasuke.
"That's for Sakura to say" he answered.
"Now go back to sleep, she'll be ok in the morning. The Jounin left the room.
Reluctantly we crawled back in our sleeping bags and fell asleep.

I awoke 4 hours later, it's like what 5:30 ish? Anyway teme is still asleep and as for Sakura she is....GONE?!?
I searched the room frantically but she was no where to be seen. I started to shove Sasuke.
"Teme wake up!" I shouted at him.
"Ugh, get off me you dobe!" He yelled back.
"Teme! Sakura's gone!" I screamed. His eyes widened and he turned to her sleeping bag, only to find it folded and tucked away. We got up and out of the room and began to search the house but we do so quietly, to not wake the others. She was not in this house.
"Where is she?" I asked Sasuke.
"I don't know let's check outside" I nodded and followed him outside.
We walked deeper into the forest until finally coming across a river. There our pink haired teammate stood next to the stream while making hand signs.
"Water Style: Water clone justu!" She yelled. We watched in awe as the water from the stream lifted in the air and began to form a solid objects, clones.
There were at least 40 of them.
"That would take a lot of chakra to make that many clones, and even more to make water clones" Sasuke said.
All of a sudden we were grabbed from behind and hoisted into the air.
"Hey let us go!!! What's the big idea?!?" I screamed in their hold as the hands of many grabbed onto me. Sasuke and I struggled but could not shake them off.
They carried us towards the stream.
We had one option.
"Sakura hel-" I was cut off when one of them covered my mouth.
"Shut your trap pip squeak!" A male voice said.
"Someone go find this Sakura person and get her" he said.
I began to struggle more furiously.
I felt a rope tightening around my arms and legs. The same for Sasuke.
I looked over to where I saw Sakura only to see a man grabbing hold of her.
He brought her over her and my blood was boiled in rage.
Sakura looked at me but instead of a look of fear she winked at me.
I was confused.
What is she doing?
We reached the stream and were instantly thrown into the water.
The only thing keeping our head above the water was a rope.
"Now your gonna tell us where the bridge builder is" one said.
"Like hell we will!" I yelled at him.
"Oh? And what does your little girlfriend here have to say?" The man said. I looked over to Sakura to see her being pulled into the water.
"Sakura!" I yelled.
But suddenly she disappeared.
I felt the ropes around my feet being cut loose and there I saw Sakura holding a knife. Or should I say Sakuras. Tons of Sakura's clones were underneath the water.
Then it struck me.
She made 40 water clones earlier. When that guy grabbed her he got no more then a clone. That means the real Sakura is hiding.
"W-what?!? Where did she go?!?" The men panicked. There were around 10 of them. Suddenly all of Sakura's clones
Jumped from the water and sprang into action. Kicking and punching or captors. The clones disappeared and all that remained were 10 badly beaten men and one grinning Sakura.
"Sakura!" I yelled happily.
"The one and only" she said.
She walked over to us and pulled us out of the water.
"Thanks" I said.
She smiled.
"No problem" she answered.
"Why did you leave so early this morning?" Sasuke asked.
"I just wanted to be alone is all" she shrugged.
"How did you know those men were here?" I asked.
"I sensed them here so I had one clone stay out in the open while the other clones and I hid. I hadn't realized you guys followed me here" she replied.
I have known Sakura since the first year at the academy. She is so much more then what people see her as.
She had such skill and talent in the ways of the ninja. People would think she is our weakest link, but no. She is strength our team and the glue that holds us together.

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