Special Chapter #1: An Adorable Discovery Part One

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Third Person POV:

Kakashi woke up this morning to the sound of birds chirping and the warmth of the sun surrounding him. It was peaceful, serene.

And best of all, today Team 7 got a day off so there would be no missions of any kind. And definitely not any D-ranked. Yes, today was one of those rare days that was purely meant for just kicking back and relaxing.

Removing the navy coloured blankets from on top of him, he climbed out of the queen sized bed and stood on the hard wood floor. Walking over to his closet, he quickly got out his regular attire and headed to the bathroom that was attached to his room.

After a quick hot shower and and the rest of his bathroom ritual, he put on his clothes and walked out. Exiting his room, he then swiftly made his way downstairs to the kitchen. Planning on breakfast for him, and his daughter.

First he began to make the eggs. Getting out the carton from the fridge and quickly cracking five eggs into a bowl. Then stirring it and after turning on the stove, while he waited for it to heat up he popped some toast into the toaster.

He got out the butter from the fridge and spread it across the pan on the stove. It's heat melting it upon impact. Then he poured the stirred eggs into the pan. Quickly putting some salt and pepper on it as well as some slices of cheese.

Hearing the ding of the toaster, he glided back to it and took out the toast before popping in two more pieces of bread. He then buttered the toast and then returned to the eggs. With the use of his spatula, he moved the yellow liquid around and not too longer after. The liquid hardened making scrambled eggs.

Pleased with the result, he took out two plates and scooped equal amounts onto the two. Then placing the toast beside it. Setting the two plates aside, he set to work on the bacon. And once completing it, he put the meat on the plates and carried them to the table.

After placing the plates of food and setting the rest of the table, he smiled at his handiwork. He then looked around but was disappointed that his daughter has yet to arrive. But he was also concerned, seeing as though she was always awake before him.

Worried, he made his way up the stairs and towards his adopted daughters room. He opened the door and it revealed his daughters always neat room. Everything in its respective spot that she decided was best suited for it.

When she first came to live with him, she had very little things. But after a few shopping trips with his close friend Kurenai, she now had no more and no less then the average person. At first she refused to let him pay for her things but after a while she let it go.

He then turned to the bed that was occupied by none other then the girl herself. Her smaller then usual form covered under the blue and green covers. He shrugged off how small the girl looked and went to wake her up.

Grabbing her shoulders lightly, he gently shook her.

"Sakura..." He whispered.

She stirred slightly.

"It's time to get up..." He whispered again.

She let out a yawn and sat up from her bed. The covers falling off of her.

What he saw, startled Kakashi to no end.

'No wonder she looked so small, she's three years old again!" He panicked in his head.

He stared at the younger version of his adopted daughter, in both horror and adoration.

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