Chapter Twelve: Amazing Just The Way You Are

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Sasuke's POV:

I ran down the streets of Konoha as fast as my (unfortunately short) legs could carry me, a large mob fangirls aged between 6-13 chasing after me as fast as they can run.  All the while they screamed my name over and over like a never-ending mantra as they chased after me. In their hands, they carried valentine themed gifts.

'Stupid Valentine's Day' I thought grumpily.

I am Sasuke Uchiha. The second son of the clan head, Fugaku Uchiha and his wife Mikoto Uchiha. My elder brother is the clan heir and is an ANBU captain for Konoha's shinobi forces. As for myself, I am 8 years old with dark hair and matching onyx eyes. A genetic trait of the Uchiha.

But as far as introductions go, I was simply too tired to go into any further detail at the moment.

I had been running for what seemed like hours and frankly, I was surprised I had lasted this long. The girls behind me, on the other hand, looked like they could run fifty laps around the village and still not be tired.

I cursed them mentally.

I decided that the best course of action would be to hide so without a second thought ducked inside the nearest building.

The occupants of the building stared at me weirdly as I burst through the door, but I didn't spare them a second glance as I quickly ran up the nearby staircase. Upon reaching the top I opened the door quickly and was welcomed by the brightness of the sun.

I instantly realized that I was now on the roof of whatever building I had hidden in.

I closed the door behind me and sighed in relief. Thanking whatever God I could think of for helping escape those vile, clingy, shallow, sorry excuse for human beings.

Then I got a strange feeling that I wasn't alone up here. True to my suspicions,  my focus quickly switched to the girl sitting on the edge of the rooftop. How I hadn't noticed her before was a mystery to me.

She had bright  cherry blossom pink hair that reached a ways beneath her shoulders, slightly hiding her red rood. Her red clothed back was to me as she stared down at the villagers. Watching the busy streets down below her, observing the many villagers going about their daily chores. She must've seen the girls who were chasing after me because she was muttering stuff like "Pathetic" and "Fangirls" under her breath. Though she for some reason looked oddly familiar.

Her legs were dangling in the air beneath her as she basked in the view of the neighborly village.

"So are you just gonna stand there or is the almighty Uchiha afraid of little ole me?" She suddenly spoke.

She turned to face me showing off her beautiful green orbs that stared into my black ones. They looked like they could see into my depths very soul. Her eyes were truly a sight to behold and that was when I finally recognized her.

She was Sakura Haruno.

She is in my class back at the academy. Friends with the dobe if I remember correctly. Also, she wasn't a fangirl like the other 98% of the girls in our class. She was also very intelligent due to how quickly she goes through the work.  When I had originally told my family about her, Mother and Itachi would smile with a nostalgic expression. Even father's usually stoic expression had softened at the mention of her name.

"Hn" was my reply.

She gave me a slightly exasperated look before shaking her head and letting out a sigh.

"What is with Uchiha's and 'Hn'? I'll never understand you guys" she said.

I chuckled lightly at her response.

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