Chapter Twenty Three: [Editing]

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Sakura's POV:

"Uh oh" I said as I stood up.
Naruto and Sasuke doing the same.
Kakashi appeared with an angry expression on his face. His aura was filled with rage. I may be his adopted daughter but when it comes to his ninja duties he would beat his own mother if proven necessary.
"Sakura, I gave explicit instructions not to give them food yet you disobeyed me" he said enraged.
"Well like you said were a team! And as a team we stick together!" I said.
"Yeah Sakura helped us because we're a team and that's what teammates do! Believe it!" Naruto chimed in.
"Exactly, we may not have realized it before but thanks to Sakura we know now. We are a team and we have to be there for one another" Sasuke said.
"YOU....." He started. We waited for the words to come out. You are going back to the academy!
"Pass..." Kakashi said calmly.
"Wait what?" Naruto said surprised.
Sasuke and I had confused looks our faces.
"You pass because as you said teammates are supposed to be there for one another, to help them when in need" he explained.
"I wanted Sakura to share her food with the two of you, I wanted to if she was willing to take the risks. Then it was to see how you reacted. At first you were grateful and ate the food without question but then felt guilty that you ate her food for she had nothing for herself to eat. It showed that you genuinely cared" Kakashi said.
"Alright! We did it!" Naruto said as he pumped his fist in the air.
"Yeah believe it!" I joked as the two of us high-fived.
"Oh brother" Sasuke said while rolling his eyes.
"Oh come on! Don't be such a grouch we did pass afterall" I said.
I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and it must have caught him off guard because he staggered a bit. Then his face began to heat up.
"Huh?" I let go him and turned him to face me.
I placed a hand on his forehead. The heat only increased.
"You're burning up, you might be dehydrated" I assumed.
Sasuke grabbed my wrist and pulled it away from his face. He looked away quickly after.
"I-I'm fine" he replied.
My stomach growled loudly once again.
I heard him chuckle and he turned back to me. He regained his composure.
"I think someone's more hungry then she was letting on" he said with the signature Uchiha smirk on his face.
I laughed.
"Come on! We need to get some food into you pronto! Ramen here we come!" Naruto said as he grabbed me wrist. I giggled at his actions.
He began to drag me when Kakashi said.
"Hold up, I'll buy" he said.
"Then what are we waiting for lets go!!" The blonde cheered. I giggled again.
As Naruto dragged me while he ran to his favourite ramen stand he had the most joyful look on his face. I couldn't help but smile brightly at it. I giggled and began to run a little faster to keep up. He turned around to face me and a hint of pink emerged on his cheeks. He must really be hungry. I laughed again.
I turned and saw Kakashi and Sasuke trailing behind slowly talking about something.
"Hurry up guys or Naruto's gonna eat up all the food!" I shouted out to them.
"That's a great idea Sakura! Let's pick up the pace" Naruto said.
I laughed again.
This is my team, team 7. Sure each of us have our quirks but I wouldn't change anything even if I could.
I truly couldn't be happier then I was right now. It's been so long since I've felt like this.
I will no longer be alone.
Nothing could alter the way I feel right now, I hope that won't change.

Sakura, Strong like no other  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now