Chapter Twenty Five: [Editing]

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My alarm blared awakening me from my slumber. It was 3:30 but I was already wide awake. I was awoken earlier from a nightmare. I pressed the snooze button and got off the bed. I quickly got dressed but this time putting on my gloves and sheath on my back. I put a concealing seal on it. If we came into any trouble I can take the enemy by surprise. Only realizing it until it tip of my blade was held at their throats. I packed more things then usual. A sleeping bag, a blanket, extra clothes, a warmer jacket. My red hoodie provided enough warmth even in colder temperatures but in wouldn't hurt to be prepared. Plenty of food, a first aid kit, a map of the Land of waves, my personal journal filled with lots of medical information and other things that would be proven useful if the opportunity came. At last one of sketch books. Of course I did pack extra ninja gear. It was 4:00 now. I let Kakashi sleep and I headed out to the forest to get in some training.

After finishing up I headed to the village gate and waited for the rest of the team. I arrived at about 5:30 they would be here soon.
As if on cue I could hear Naruto yelling at someone who was undoubtedly Sasuke. They were of course arguing as usual. Kakashi teleported beside me, book in hand. Tasuna was the last to show. Shortly after his arrival we set off to the land of waves. As we walked Naruto and Sasuke bickered about god knows what but something else was bothering me. Tasuna kept averting his gaze everywhere, as if looking for something. Something was up, I was so busy think I nearly over looked something that was out of place. I stopped to stare at it. For the past few days nothing but sunny days and not a cloud in the sky. Yet there was a puddle of water. I looked at Kakashi and he looked at me. He knew and he also knows that I know. We weren't alone. But of course we played dumb as if not knowing. That look he gave me was all I needed. I'll draw them out be ready for the opening
That look told me that.
Sasuke and Naruto hadn't noticed for they were to busy arguing. If I made an attempt to tell them the enemy would know we're onto them.
I walked ready for anything.

The enemy striked sending shuriken and kunai at Kakashi and making its mark. Killing him instantly, his body fell to the ground.
"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto cried.
"Naruto, Sasuke protect Tasuna!" I called out.
I pulled out a kunai.
The attacker emerged from the puddle and tried to sneak up from behind me. I sprung my trap.
The nin froze in place motionless.
The person he thought was me poofed away.
"An opponents back can easily become her front" I said appearing behind him.
I hit the pressure point in his neck and knocked him out.
One down, one to go
The other tried charging me. Starting with a punch which I easily dodged.
I countered swinging my own punch. It was too fast for him to react and my fist connected with his jaw sending him back. I jumped kicked stomach then spun mid air and kicked with my other foot sending him flying into a tree.
His head smashed into the oak knocking him unconscious.
I walked over and tied the two to the tree and tied their hands behind their backs.
Then Kakashi appeared.
"Gee look who finally decided to show up" I said sarcastically.
"You seemed to have everything under control" he replied calmly.
"Kakashi-sensei?! I thought you died!" Naruto exclaimed. I pointed towards Kakashi's seemingly dead body that was replaced with a wooden log.
"A-a substitution?" He said bewildered.
"Now that that's taken care of I believe Tasuna has something he'd like to share" the Jounin said accusingly.
The old man sighed.
"A man named Gato seized all our trades with other countries. He's a very powerful man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. We're building a bridge to the main land to put a stop to it. But we couldn't afford to pay for any one else to help us" he explained.
"I'm sorry Tasuna but Genin is to low a level to fulfill this mission. This is now A-ranked assignment. We need to go back" Kakashi said.
Tasuna nodded.
"No" I said
Everyone turned to look at me.
"No Kakashi I'm not backing down on this one. This is our mission and I intend to see it through" I stated.
"And if Sakura stays I'm staying too" Naruto chimed in.
"I'm not going anywhere" Sasuke said.
"We all know the risks so there's no point in arguing with us" I said.
"Very well then, but keep your guard up we don't know when or if any other enemy will  attack" With that said and done we continued forward in silence. No arguing, no speaking of any kind. The situation just became more serious.

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