Chapter Twenty Six: [Editing]

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We kept going until it got darker and the fog started to roll in. Suddenly out of no where Naruto threw a kunai at a white rabbit as he yelled.
"You idiot" Sasuke said.
"You gave me a heart attack!" Tasuna screamed.
Wait a minute white? In spring rabbits fur turns brown it wouldn't be white unless it was raised inside...
"Get down!!" I called out.
Naruto covered Tasuna while the rest of us got down on our own. Just after we ducked a large sword swung over our heads and cut right into a tree.
The fog suddenly began to thicken.
"Hehe clever girl" A voice said.
I turned in the voice's direction and saw a figure with a large sword.
"Zabuza Momichi, the demon of the hidden mist. One of the seven ninja swordsman" I said. I recognized him instantly, from what I could make out of his appearance he had bandages all over including on his face and using it as a mask. His spiky brown with his hidden mist head protector in the mess of hair. But what gave it away was his unusually large sword.
"Clever indeed" Zabuza said. His tone was creepy, it seemed...wanting.
His gaze fixated on me as he spoke next.
"Kakashi Hatake or the ninja who copied a thousand jutsus. Known as the copy nin. His left eye holds the Sharigan eye." The swordsman said.
"Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke protect Tasuna. My fight is with Zabuza" Kakashi ordered sternly. He lifted up his head protector and revealed his Sharigan eye. When that happens Kakashi means business.
The three of us took defensive positions around Tasuna, kunai drawn and ready.
Be careful, Dad
The two began their fight. First Kakashi fought one of his water clones until it turned into water. Kakashi stood there searching for Zabuza until I felt a presence. I drew my katana from its sheath and countered just before his sword made contact.
"S-Sakura!" Naruto shouted.
The three looked me astonished.
Zabuza chuckled.
"It seems as though someone is not as they appear to be, Sakura" the nin said.
He said me name weirdly and it made me shudder. But I had other things to worry about. Like a giant sword. I pumped some chakra into my sword and it was enough to make him bounce off. He and Kakashi quickly returned to their fight.

As the battle waged on trouble soon occurred. Kakashi, having been tricked was trapped inside of a water prison. Zabuza's arm placed in the wall of water. That's how he's keeping the water up and strong. If I can get him to move Kakashi will be set free
Zabuza created a water clone and it stared towards us with a killing intent.
"Take Tasuna and run! You can't win this fight! You'll die! Just run!" Kakashi called from his prison.
"No! You said that those who abandon their team are worse then scum and you are a part of this team! I'm not leaving you here to die!" I argued
"This is not up for debate! I order you to take Tasuna and run! Now!" He ordered.
"Naruto, Sasuke protect Tasuna. I'll take care of the clone" I told them.
"But Sakura! You can't beat him on your own!" Naruto said.
"Yeah your too weak" Sasuke said.
There's that word again, weak.
I smiled at them.
"Then I'm expendable" I replied.
It clearly surprised him from the look of shock on his face.
"You have fire girly, I like fire" Zabuza said. I began my fight with the clone.

Sasuke's POV:

Then I'm expendable
Her words echoed in my mind. Everyone knew that Sakura was not weak, hell the exact opposite. I just tried to convince her not to do this. This guy is too strong for us to beat. I don't want her to get hurt or worse. But she's has her heart set on rescuing Kakashi. She's willing to sacrifice herself for this guy.
She's not expendable, she's the most important.
She fought with clone. Sword, against sword, steel against steel. They fought for so long that it was almost like a stand still. Until the clone got the upper hand. His sword lunged into Sakura's chest.
She gasped as the blood oozed from her. Her body fell limp.
"N-n-n-o" Naruto stammered
I was pissed now. I was about to let loose when Sakura's body suddenly turned into water.
"A-a W-Wa-ater Clone?!" I stuttered.
"What?!" Zabuza cried.
Then Sakura appeared out of the lake behind him and flung her Katana at his back. Unable to avoid it he jumped away thus setting Kakashi free from his prison.
That was her plan all along. Not to beat him but to get him to move.
I stood there gawking at the events that just took place.
"Well well well it seems as though little Sakura here is more then meets the eye" Zabuza said. He has no idea.

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