Chapter Twenty: Apples, Sandwiches and Bells

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June 25th

My alarm went off and I quickly got out of my comfy bed. Though I hadn't slept much last night, I wasn't feeling very groggy. Perhaps my body was used to waking up early now. I rubbed the excess sleep out of my eyes and looked at the clock with a bored gaze: 4:00 it read. My mind flashes back to the first official team 7 gathering yesterday and remembered the survival training that was being held today. Kakashi had said to be there at 4:30 but knowing him as long as I have, I knew that he wouldn't show up until long after. I sighed to myself, casting a longing glance at my warm bed that my body eagerly wanted to jump back into. But if I showed up late then I'd get an earful of it from Naruto about it, a few glares from Sasuke and a knowing look from Kakashi that would make the other two suspicious of.

I sighed once more.

'So troublesome...'

'NO NO NO NO! You have been hanging out with Shikamaru too long! Damn Nara's and their surprisingly relaxing lazy habits!'

'They don't own the word so I can use it whenever I want to, thank you very much'

So with 30 minutes to get ready and get there, I begin to go about my morning rituals. I had a nice quick shower that left me feeling more awake and of course clean then got dressed in my regular clothes. This time with the addition of my blue fingerless gloves and I would be bringing my katana with me today. It may sound like overkill to you but Kakashi had said that he was our opponent, that's not something to be taken lightly. I examined the blade in my hands, it was a fine piece of craftsmanship if I do say so myself. I made sure my katana was fighting fit before sheathing it diagonally behind my back. I gathered the rest of supplies and readjusted my weights before wrapping white bandages overtop of them.

I packed a hearty lunch, knowing full well that Naruto would want some of my cooking, I made a few bowls of beef ramen.

'You spoil him too much'

'No I don't! I'm just being a considerate friend!'

'Then what about Sasuke, huh?'

It was moment's like this that made me acknowledge my obliviousness. I smacked my forehead at how forgetful I was. How could I forget Sasuke like that? He's one of my friends and now my teammate-

'*Cough* SasuSaku *Cough*'

'Huh? SasuSaku? What's that?'

'A ship'

'*dramatic gasp* You mean like a pirate ship?!'

Inner sweatdropped, but she didn't say anything else.

Anyway, I grabbed a few tomatoes for my raven-haired friend. I didn't do anything else to them because I know he likes to eat them as if they were apples. I don't know how his taste buds can withstand that but it's not my place to judge. I decided to bring two apples to munch on during the time we'll have to wait. I didn't bother waking up Kakashi, despite how tempting it was to push him out of bed and see how he likes waking up early. I left the house and began making my way to the training grounds.

When I arrived, Sasuke and Naruto were already there. They were wearing the same attire as yesterday, Sasuke with his blue high collared shirt and Naruto's horrendous orange jumpsuit that was hard on the eyes. Again, I'm not one to judge but he could use a lesson in fashion. Of course, the two of them were arguing, over what, I'll never really know. I sweat dropped at the but I still couldn't help but smile at how nostalgic the whole thing made me feel. It reminded me of the time the two of them first sparred at the academy...

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