Chapter Twenty One: Survival Training

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'Ninja must know how to conceal their movements and hide effectively'

That was the first lesson Kakashi ever taught me, and right now I was putting everything I ever learned to work. If I want to become a gennin I have to use my knowledge of Kakashi's abilities. We have sparred together but I'm certain he's never taken it seriously, and I'm not hundred percent certain that he will take it easy on us right now.

The man looked about the trees and the bushes, scanning the area to see if he can spot us. It was then that he noticed Naruto, standing there with his arms crossed over his chest in a challenging manner.


Kakashi made a 'are-you-stupid?' type face, "You know compared to the other's, you're a little bit...weird"


'Oh he did not just insult Kakashi's hair!'

'Oh yes he did! That idiot has a death wish!'

I watched as Naruto charged at Kakashi who merely pulled out his infamous little orange book and stuck his nose between two pages. This made the blonde halt in his stride, stopping as he cocked his head to side in confusion. 

"Eh? Why are you reading that book?" the jumpsuit wearing boy asked.

The silver-haired man never looked up from his book but replied, "Why? To find out what happens in the story of course. Don't let it bother you, with your weak attacks it doesn't matter if I'm reading or whatever"

Naruto clenched his fist in rage, "I'M GOING TO CRUSH YOU!" As he ran at jounin. 

The orange-clad boy jumped up with his arm pulled back before snapping forward forcefully at masked man who simply caught it with practiced ease, his lone grey eye never once lifting from page. Never one to give up, Naruto brought up his left leg for a strong roundhouse kick which Kakashi dodged by ducking swiftly, his gaze still on the book. 

Thinking he had him, the blonde yet again striked at him with a left handed punch.

"NOW YOUR MINE!" Naruto shouted, but before his fist even made contact the masked jounin disappeared before his big blue eyes.

"Huh?" The blonde gennin uttered confusedly. 

'Do you think Kakashi would use that technique? I mean its like the perfect opportunity'

'I hope he does, that would be hilarious!'

'...You know I'm starting to think you have a grudge against Naruto'

'Of course I don't! I just wouldn't mind seeing that lovable idiot get a little hurt'

'More like a huge bow to his ego, it would be humiliating. Sasuke would never let him live it down, besides Kakashi is a very understanding man I'm sure he wouldn't do that to his future student'

"Don't let your enemy get behind you all the time" The silver-haired man said as he suddenly appeared right behind the blonde, his fingers brought together in a fire-style hand-sign. 

'Nevermind, he's totally using it'


'...How are you me, again?'

'You know deep down that you want to watch this as me' 


"Leaf village secret finger jutsu! A thousand years of death!"

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