Chapter Eighteen: Graduation

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Years later...

June 23rd

"Alright students listen up! After 4 years of the academy it had finally come for your graduation but first you must pass the exam" Iruka said.

Right now, we were all seated within our classroom at the academy. Usually we'd be listening to the teacher drone on and on about a lesson but today was different. It was nearing the end of June, meaning the end of the school year. Usually this just meant summer break before going back to the academy after two months. However, this was our fourth and final year here.

Thus would begin our ninja careers as the lowest ranking level of a shinobi, gennin.

That is if we pass the exams.

'An exam?'

I couldn't help but wonder what they would make us do. What skill they would have us perform tp prove if we were ready to take the next step. What if it was an assortment of different skills they would test us on?

Mentally, I jotting down all the possible skills they might have us do. Accuracy, ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu or our intellect. I was willing to bet they would make us do one of the three basic shinobi skils, most likely ninjustu.

"We'll take you individually and you will graduate if you can do the what we ask of you. After the exams we will meet out in the courtyard. Your parents have already been notified and will be attending. Now first will have Chogi Akamichi" Iruka announced.

I turned to the boy with red spirals on both his cheeks. He was shaking slightly, clearly nervous. He stood up from his seat next to the sleeping Shikamaru, the boy's best friend, and slowly stepped into the aisle. The bag of chips he was eating laid forgtton atop the desk.

"Hey Choji!" I called out, catching the attention of the other classmates which I ignored.

He turned his head to me and gave me a confused look, I flashed him an encouraging smile.

"Show them what you can do!" I said.

It seemed my words boosted his confidence because determination shone in his eyes and a grin on his face. He walked out of the classroom with more confidence in his strides and followed sensei.

~Names later...~

"Sakura Haruno" Iruka-sensei called.

I quickly stood up from my seat next to my best female friend, the shy hyuga herself and worked my way onto the aisle.

"Good luck Sakura" Hinata said.

I turned back to face the blunette and gave her a smile.

"Thanks" I replied before heading towards the door.

"You got this Sakura-chan!" Naruto screamed.

I stopped a second time to turn to the shouting blond who sat next to the Uchiha who was busy looking at the window. Though he was looking at me from the corner of his eye, but I didn't know that. I gave the whiskered boy a cheery grin.

"Thanks Naruto" I said

I walked out of the classroom and followed the ever so patient Iruka. He lead me to large room and on the side was 2 other teachers. One I recognized to be Mizuki-sensei, another teacher here at the academy. A pile of leaf head protectors sat on the table. Iruka took his seat with the other teachers before addressing me.

"Alright Sakura perform the clone jutsu" he informed.

"Can it be any type of clone jutsu?" I asked.

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