Chapter Four: Wait and See

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April 16th

Two days later I was released from the hospital, they couldn't fully heal my injury due to the fact that it impaled  quite a few important organs. The names of which I didn't bother to remember.

So it left a scar on my stomach, and a big one at that but as I get older they believe it will get smaller. But it didn't really matter much to me, as long as it doesn't hurt its fine by me. Besides it not like anyone will see it.

During my time at the hospital I had convinced the Hokage to bring me some books to read to alleviate my boredom. Those included books on basic ninja training.

It talked about throwing these small weapons called kunai and shuriken. Each of which I am familiar with and I have heard many shinobi mention them while I was walking through the village.

The book showed a picture of each one. The first one was the longest of the two,  the blade resembled that of diamond. Where the blade ended there was a handle for someone to grip, it was made using strips of leather. At the end of the handle there was a circular part.

(AN: Just incase you don't understand what I'm saying or you don't know what a kunai is)

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(AN: Just incase you don't understand what I'm saying or you don't know what a kunai is)

It was used as knife and a common weapon used amongst shinobi. Despite its small size it was strong enough to withstand even the largest swords. Not only that it could also be used as a projectile.

The second is used as a projectile, the books list no other use but mentions that it can be used in other ways depending on the situation. It also said that different villages use different types of shuriken, their own individual appearance.

But Konoha's look like stars, earning the nickname 'Ninja Stars'. But instead of five points it has only four.

Each of these weapons are used in everyday missions that ninja take part in and having the ability to throw them is necessary

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Each of these weapons are used in everyday missions that ninja take part in and having the ability to throw them is necessary. So that will be my first task. But first I need to figure out where exactly to get them.

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