Chapter Fourteen: Nothing Is Impossible

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Lee's POV:

I was walking around the village, my long black hair which was tied back flew gently against the breeze. I found my myself at a bridge and decided to stop here fro a while. The spot was devoid of people and seemed relatively peaceful. I propped my arms onto of the railing and hung my head. I stared into the water below and gazed at my reflection. I frowned.

What kinda idiot can't do ninjutsu? They had said.

Some ninja you can't even make a single clone. They mocked.

Their words repeated in my mind over and over. Each time it took apart pieces of my self confidence but I made no move to stop the self-loathing and pity. They were right and that's what hurt so much about this. I can't do any ninjutsu or genjutsu at all. I can only do taijutsu but that will only get me so far in a battle. It pained me that there was nothing I could do to change that, it didn't matter how hard I trained or how much effort I put into it. I just simply couldn't do it.

It was hard being in a class full of clan kids that went through everything as if it were a breeze. Born with kekkai genkai and special clan techniques gives them all the advantage when it came to taken on the academy. And look at me, I'm just a mere civilian born kid that can't even create a single clone.

I let out a sigh.

"It's hopeless, maybe I should just quit trying to be a ninja" I said aloud.

"What would ever make you think that?" A gentle voice asked.

I turn to my right and see a girl around my age with pink hair leaning against the railing of the bridge. Her large emerald green eyes blinked in confusion as she waited for an answer, one that I was struggling to give.

"Uhhh" I said as I scratched the back of my neck. My cheeks turned a light shade of pink from embarrassment.

"You see I'm in the academy and I want to become a ninja but..." I said.

"But what?" She asked, titling her head in curiosity.

"I can't do any ninjutsu or genjutsu" I said ashamedly.

I was expected to be laughed, mocked or at least a snappy remark. But nothing of the sort came. In fact I got quite the opposite.

" Can you do taijutsu?" She asked.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked confused.

"If you can't do ninjutsu or genjutsu then just work on taijutsu" she suggested.

She wasn't trying to bring me down but she was attempting to help me. And that made me feel a little warm on the inside. But she clearly didn't understand the ninja arts if she thought that a ninja could only be capable of one of the three basic ninja skills. That would be totally impossible, I mean after all, the graduation was to successfully create one clone. At least that's what I was told, but maybe it was the henge jutsu... Either way, it's still a form of ninjutsu.

"What?! A ninja has to be capable of various skills! I can't just be able to do taijutsu!" I told her.

At least I tried to explain it to her, but for some reason she kept refusing to believe it. So as I came up with excuse after excuse, she simply said one thing that made me question everything.

"Who ever said that?"

"Uhhh..." I couldn't answer.

There had never been a person alive to say that a ninja must be able to do all three skills. At least, I've never been told that but it just seemed mandatory to know all three. Had there even been a person to master all of them? I mean they're all very different from each other. While taijutsu is simple and used by nearly all ninja, it does not require hand seals to perform it. It's simply hand to hand combat. Ninjutsu is manipulating shape or nature through the use of hand seals and chakra. Genjutsu is an illusionary technique. It tricks the victim into believing they are in physical pain through illusive images. It could be considered a false reality of sorts, since the users chakra is manipulating the victims five senses.

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