Chapter Thirty: [Editing]

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Sakura's POV:

After saving the boys from those men I tied them against various trees using chakra strings. I'll leave them there and have Kakashi interrogate them.
I helped Naruto and Sasuke back to Tasunas house.
As we entered the house we got confused and worried looks. I gazed at Kakashi and gave him a look only he could understand.
'10 nin at the river'
He nodded and made his way there without second thought. Tsunami got some towels for us and I muttered a quick thank you before heading upstairs. I went into my room. I dried my hair and changed into a new set of clothing.
I jumped out the bedroom window and headed into the forest. I arrived at the river where we left the nin and found it abandoned. One of the trees I had tied the nin to had some writhing engraved in the bark.
"Taking care of the nin, see you at the house. ~Kakashi"
Using a justu I repaired the wood of the tree and the message disappeared.
With that out of the way I decided to get some training done since I was interrupted this morning. I began doing my regular exercises. 400 push ups, 500 sit ups, 200 pull ups and chin-ups and 100 laps.
After completing that I glanced at the sky and saw the clouds painted across the fading blue sky. It reminded me of the time I spent with Shikamaru while we watched the clouds fly by.
Kakashi would be back by now and I know he has some training in store for us so I might as well head back.

I arrived at the house to see Kakashi sitting there reading his orange book and of course Naruto and Sasuke arguing.
I sighed.
My team of idiots,
But they're my idiots.
They turned to me and before they can start bombarding me with questions I say.
"So what's this training you have planned for us?" I asked our sensei.
He chuckled while Naruto grinned happily at the thought of training.
"I was going to tell you when you got back but I guess you beat me to it. Oh well follow me" the masked ninja said. We followed him into the forest until stopping into a little clearing.
"So what are we going to be doing sensei?!? Are teaching us a new justu?!?" Naruto said excitedly.
"No, your going to climb a tree" he answered.
Naruto sweat dropped.
"You can't be serious" the blonde said.
"I am only thing is you have to do it without using your hands. Sakura care to demonstrate?" He explained.
I nodded in response and began to focus the right amount of chakra to my feet. I began to walk towards the tree before steeping against the bark of the tree and walking up it. As I walked up Kakashi explained to the two how I was doing this. I kept going until I was almost all the way of the tree when Kakashi said.
"Okay that's good enough you can come down now"
I turned around and then released the glow of the chakra and began to free fall. I saw scared expressions as I fell until nearing the bottom I flipped mid air landed on my feet in a bowing pose.
"Tada!" I said looking up.
Kakashi grinned beneath his mask.
"Nice landing" he said.
"Why thank you" I returned with a smile.
The boys however weren't to happy.
"YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!!! NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!" Naruto yelled. I giggled at his actions but nodded.
"I won't do it unless it's proven necessary, alright?" I replied.
He nodded and then smiled.
Sasuke on the other hand looked mad and concerned but he tried to hide his worry by looking away.
I decided to break the tension that was suffocating him.
"Hey Sasuke, why does your hair look like a ducks butt?" I asked.
He turned and glared at me.
Naruto burst out laughing and began rolling on the ground while holding his stomach.
"It does not" The Uchiha said sternly.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Ducky" I said emphasizing the new nickname.
Naruto began another fit of laughter and Kakashi.
Sasuke glared even harder if that was even possible.
"Don't call me that" he practically growled.
"Whatever just climb the tree already" I said impatiently.
'Ducky', that's what I'll be calling him for now on. Charged at the tree but after a few steps the tree snapped underneath him and he jumped back.
'He used to much chakra' I thought.
Then Naruto took a crack at it.
He ran at the tree but like Ducky only made it a few steps. His feet bounced off of it.
'He didn't use enough chakra'
"As I told you, you have to use the right amount of chakra in order for this to work. Sasuke, you used to much. Naruto, you didn't use enough. And Sakura, you clearly have the best chakra control out of the three." Kakashi said
"I guess your closer to becoming Hokage then any of you. And maybe the all powerful Uchiha clan isn't as strong as they say they are" The Jounin coaxed.
Anger flickered in their eyes but determination burned brighter within them. The two boys once again ran at the tree.
"You know there are better ways to encourage but still affective" I told him.
He chuckled.
"Ok now let's go somewhere else to train. Your far beyond them so you can't train with them all the time. You have to exposed to higher levels of training to keep up your skills, if you always do Genin level training you'll forget it"
I nodded and we disappeared somewhere else within the forest.

Sakura, Strong like no other  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now