Chapter Seven: A Brother And A Father

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June 6th

Itachi sat in his room, staring intently at the wall in front of him. Why? You might ask. To put it bluntly he wasn't staring at the wall, he was just simply lost in the world of his own thoughts.

What could be occupying his very complex and intelligent mind? For starters it wasn't a 'what' is was a 'who'. And that person was none other then the small pink haired kunoichi-to-be. That's right, you guessed it. He was thinking of Sakura Haruno.

In his opinion she was odd, but it wasn't a weird type of odd. It was a good type of odd, if that made any sense. She was able to hold an intelligent conversation, a feat many adult shinobi could not achieve.

She was cheery, with a large smile on her face where ever she goes. Her eyes a dazzling emerald green. She gave off a happy vibe and had a 'I'm just like you' type aura. It was refreshing to around.

Her words were comforting, her voice gentle. She was joy filled and fun loving but at the same time serious and sincere. It was odd. But he didn't mind it, he quite enjoyed her presence actually.

But what really interested him was her skill and intelligence she had showed him at the training grounds nearly three weeks ago.


They were at the training grounds located inside the Uchiha compound. It was mostly used for sparring matches amongst fellow clansmen. As well as training the younger generations in the art of the shinobi.

For the Uchiha started training earlier then most clans. Many found fault with this, claiming it was too difficult for the children and that they should enjoy their youth. But it has yet to change and though some disagree no one has made a move to put a stop to it.

But right now, it was being used for a test of skill and strength. The strength of...

A pink haired girl?

Yes a pink haired girl, no older then four years old. Her emerald eyes gleaming as they stared at the target twenty-five feet in front of her. She was completely focused on her task, her concentration unbreakable.

In her hand held a very sharp and dangerous weapon. One that was used in combat, on missions, to cut, to slice, to kill.... In other words something that no child her age should be allowed.

Yet her older companion seemed completely unfazed but that was his usual face so you could never tell. He certainly didn't seem afraid that she would miss and kill him. That being said, this was the famed Uchiha prodigy and a young girl would be of no threat to him

Still she had a blade that could kill him with just one simple movement towards one of eight vital points and that would be the end of Itachi Uchiha.

On his grave stone it would say:

Here lies the body of
Itachi Uchiha
A shinobi of the leaf, a comrade, a son, a brother, a friend,
Killed by a pink haired 4 year old girl (do not question)

It would be very unbecoming of a man of his skills to die by her hands at that moment. All because he trusted her with a very deadly weapon.

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