Chapter Fifthteen: Write Your Own Destiny

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Neji's POV:

"It's just not fair!" I shouted as I punched the wooden post that stood before. The birds that rested amongst the trees took off with a startled cry  at the sound of my angered voice. It was clear that I was mad, my action's were testimony to that. Hyuga's were known for keeping their cool, as stoics and impassive. But when they unleash their wrath upon something or someone, it is never a pretty sight.

'Hyugas, such a profound clan that they get to chose who lives who dies!'

I punched the post repeatedly until I felt a warm liquid on my knuckles. There were slivers of wood embedded in my hands and they stung painfully but I couldn't find it in myself to care. They sacrificed my father all for the sake of the clan. The clan always comes first because the clan is worth more then the life of one man. We share the same bloodline, born into the same family yet only those of the main branch family can truly live. While those of the branch family devote their lives to serve those of the main branch. Forever burdened with this responsibility.

'And that curse mark... What they use to keep us at bay and obedient'

"Argh!!" I yelled out and continued to punch the post, my technique sloppy as I blindly strike the post in my anger.

Life is unfair, life is cruel and hateful. Only those born into luxury and wealth can truly ever be happy. Because they can have what ever it is they desire and always have their way, that is destiny. Mine and those of the other branch family are fated to die serving the main branch. And I cannot escape that fate, like my father couldn't escape his. 

I stroke the post once more, and  then again and again. I kept hitting it with all the strength I could muster.

"Hey what did that post ever do to you?" A voice asked.

Alarmed by the new arrival, I halted from hitting the wooden post and let my arms drop to my side. I turned my head to left and looked at the newcomer. It was a young girl. She looked like the same age as Hinata, with pastel coloured hair and emerald green eyes that sparkled in the rays of the sun.

"It didn't do anything, it just happened to be here" I said, crossing my arms over my chest to show my annoyance at her presence.

It was either she didn't notice or simply didn't care.

"So why are you punching it?" She asked.

"I'm mad and just needed to let off some steam" I replied in an irritated tone.

She shouldn't be so nosy. This is none of her business so she should just leave and go back to her family. 'A whole family...' I thought with hatred.

My mother died when I was really young, even though I am nine years old and that could still be considered really young. Losing her hurt a lot, but being so young at the time I didn't really understand it and I still had my father so everything was alright. But now after only a month of losing him, it hurts more then anything I could have imagined.

"So why are you mad?" The young girl asks me.

I narrow my eyes at her, What is with all the questions? Doesn't she know that its rude to stick your nose in other peoples business? You would think her parents had her manners. 

"That's none of your business so stay out of it" I snapped.

I was losing patience with this girl, and my temper was already flared enough as it is. I guess it really is a Hyuga trait to let your anger and frustration out on those around you.

"Well I'm making it my business cause I don't like it when people are upset or when people beat up innocent posts" she said in a surprisingly serious tone.

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