Chapter Thirteen: Anything You Set Your Mind To

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Shikamaru's POV:

I let out a sigh as I walked the grassy terrain that lay beneath my sandalled feet.

'Why do they have to be so troublesome all the time?'

All I wanted to do was just eat my lunch without any hassle and then continue on with my lazy day but no. My mother apparently had other plans.

"Tell about the academy," she said.

"Any new friends yet?" She said.

"You lazy brat! Stop ignoring me!" And then she hit me with a frying pan.

So here I was, walking away from my house with a slightly swollen head towrads one of my favourite cloud watching spots. It was on a hill in the middle of a field of flowers with a lone tree that provided shade. It was higher up so usually there would be a slight breeze that I always welcomed. It could get real hot sometimes, maybe that's why it's called fire country

But to my surprise, I found someone was already there. The shadow of the tree made was casted over the person so it was hard for my eyes to make out who it was.  So I went in for a closer look. I walked up the hill and saw that it was a young girl my age with pink hair laying on the grass.

'It's that Sakura girl' I realized.

She's in the same class as me at the academy. She's not as troublesome as all the other girls who are always yelling and screaming over Naruto or Sasuke. I'm pretty sure she is friends with the two of them but I wasn't certain because I slept most of the time. No wonder Iruka-sensei is always yelling at me, I never pay attention. Still, I wonder what she was doing here. Not many people come here so it's what made this spot so peaceful.

"Hey, your Shikamaru right?" She asked, her gaze still fixed on the sky.

"Yeah and your Sakura, Sakura Haruno " I replied.

I don't know why I said her last name, I guess I just blurted it out but her last name has always stuck with for some reason. It was as if I had heard it somewhere before. Perhaps my Dad had mentioned once before but it felt like it was on the tip of my tongue.

"Yup that's me. Was it the hair that gave it away?" She asked.

Well, she is the only person I've met with pink hair. I mean come on, pink hair? And natural no less? It's as rare as snow in July.

"Yeah it's a dead give away" I answered.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Watching the clouds, what does it look like?" She replied.

Without asking, I laid down beside her. I propped my hands underneath my head and began to watch the clouds alongside her.

"That's what I usually do, just kick back and watch clouds" I told her.

What can I say? I'm lazy and I have as eat right next to the window, what am I supposed to do in that stuffy classroom?

"You know you act like a cloud" she told me out of the blue.

I turned my head towards her, my eyebrow arced up to show my confusion.

"What? How did you come up that?" I asked confused.

"Well you seem like you just want to float through life like clouds float through the sky. They go wherever the wind takes them and don't care where ever they end up. Like you,  you don't really to care about anything that comes along the way. You seem like you want an uncomplicated life and clouds live a life with no complications. They just float and do whatever they want. Like that one, it looks like a rouke from shogi" she finished as she pointed to a cloud.

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