Chpater Five: Training, Chakra and SHANAROO!

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September 18th (The Next Day)

I stare intently up the large oak tree. The warmth of the sun landing on back. My eyes scan the large tree, taking in all the rivets in bark and the beautiful shade of green on the leaves.

Now why would I be so interested in a tree that was identical to hundreds of others?

Well you would too when you're trying to wrap your head around the fact that you can walk up this tree like a flight of stairs.

According to the book on chakra, I can use it to cling to the tree. You see chakra is this energy inside of us that is both physical and mental. By mixing the two you can use it to attach yourself onto objects or on this case the tree.

But that being said, you don't know how much chakra is required to actually stick to the tree. The book had warned that you need a precise amount because of you have too much or too little, it won't work.

Also I had never attempted to use chakra before so this will be a bit of a challenge. A puzzle if you will. And those who know me best know that I love a challenge.

The wind swept my ever growing, past-shoulder length pink hair. Revealing my eyes that burned with determination.

I closed my eyes and forming a sign with my hands known as the 'Ram Seal'. I focused onto the soles of my feet, trying to urge my chakra there.

Suddenly I felt this warm sensation the in my body, it flowing freely through my body like water down a stream. It was warm but cool all at the same time. It was odd but it felt right.

It flowed down my body before it feel it reside in the bottom of my feet.

'So that's my chakra...' I couldn't help but think.

'Now just how much am I going to need to stick to the tree?'

Now that's something I would like an answer too.

"Well then it sucks to be you, cause I don't got one" Inner says to me.

'Gee, thanks for all your help Inner' I reply sarcastically.

"Anytime!" She says as her black and white form holds a thumb up.

That means I'll have to guess roughly what I need. But how?

My brows furrow in concentration as I attempt to keep the flow going to my feet.

As I thought about the tree my chakra seemed to react on its own, sending a weird feeling to my brain. As if telling me that I was wrong. In return my feet feel heavier then usual.

I was very confused, my chakra was reacting by itself. What does that mean?! How is it doing that?!?

"I think it's trying to tell you that are using to much chakra. Since chakra is linked to the brain it must have been aware when that you wanted to climb the tree, so in response it's attempting to tell you that you're using too much" Inner explained to me.

'Wow! When did you get so smart inner?' I asked.

"Oh, just shut up Outer and lessen your chakra"

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