Chapter Seventeen: [Editing]

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Sakura's POV:

I never would have imagined everything that happened would occur. I was shocked when the realisation dawned on me, that I had seven friends in the span of my first year here at the academy. I always thought that I would be too focused on my studies to pay any real notice to those I'm learning with. Fate has a way of doing that to people. But in a way I suppose it was kinda my fault. 

The night I had met Hinata, I was out training on the higher branches. Practicing to keep my balance and some taijutsu. It was when I sensed her chakra approaching that I had halted in my movements and hid. It was a small chakra and was fairly familiar to me so I had decided to  investigate. Imagine my surprise when I see Hinata Hyuga, the hyuga heiress laying on the ground with tears streaming down her face. My empathy took over and I jumped from the tree branch and rushed towards her. My heart lurched in my chest when I saw her puffy violet eyes. 

When she told me about her father, I felt the sudden need to punch him in the face. It apeared out of no where but I felt the want- the need to protect her. It was while I patched up her scrapped knee, that I decided that she would be my friend and I would protect her from any harm. The next day at the academy, I got into my first fight. Ami and her friends thought it would be so much fun to pick on shy little Hinata. When I got there and saw Hinata's tattered blue shirt and watery eyes, I snapped. 

I shushinned towards them and stood in front of the timid bluenette, glaring at the purple haired girl who had the audacity to belittle the kind heiress. Of course she went on this huge rant about how much better she is then Hinata, I told her she was dreaming. Of course, she got mad and swung at me- big mistake. One thing led to another, she had a black eye and Kakashi was never more proud of me. 

Then came Naruto, the fourth Hokage had mentioned him frequently when I went to visit him at his office. And true to his words, Naruto really did look like a miniature version of him. I was just sitting in the tree, wondering where Hinata was and I looked down to see his sad ocean blue eyes.  I swear it's the eyes that always do me in, sometimes I regret making Kakashi teach me how to read emotions. I couldn't stop myself from calling out to him, though he couldn't find me right away.  He told me about how he wanted to be recognized by the village for who he is and not who his father is, to be the greatest Hokage of the hidden leaf. And I wasn't lying when I said he would be one day. My face still heats up when I think about his head his nuzzled in the crook of my neck.

Sasuke was as socially inept as his brother. But I'll give him credit for outrunning his fangirls, they were really persistent. It was kind of funny watching him run away them so frantically, it wasn't everyday you got to see him sweat. I was simply remarking at how stupid his fangirl's were, running about idiotically after they lost him, when he burst through the door leading onto the roof I was on. I tried starting a conversation and he did the most Uchiha thing ever, he hned at me. I couldn't even get a an actual word response from him, I made a comment on this and he chuckled. Chuckled. Irritating Uchiha's... 

Then there was lazy ol'Shikamaru. I was just sitting there, resting after practicing the hand signs for some genjutsu Kurenai had taught me. And he just showed up- for a split second I mistook him for Shikaku. It scared the living day lights out of me. When I noticed the lack of scars, I realized it was the guy who slept during Iruka's lectures at the academy. We just laid there, wtahcing clouds until he had audacity to correct me- it was rouke! Not a king! Than we went to his house after the awkward moment with our hands. His mom conered me, chanting something about cute and pink. It was safe to say I was freaked out of my mind. We played shogi for a few hours until I lost- I mean let him win. 

(Notice: This chpater is NOT finished yet)

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