Chaptet Eleven: Believe It

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Naruto's POV:

I was walking through one of busier parts of the village on my way to the academy. A yawn escapes my lips. Why did we have to wake up so early? No wonder Mom is always so angry in the morning.

'But then again Mom is always angry about something'

The villagers on the street stopped what they were doing to stare at me. Then began conversing amongst themselves, whispering in hushed tones. Believing that I couldn't hear them even though that I very  well could.

Who am I? I'm Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. Son of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze  and Kushina Uzumaki. My appearance is quite frankly a younger, shorter version of my father. The same spiky blonde hair and azure blue eyes. The only difference was the whisker marks on my cheeks.

"That's the Hokage's son, Naruto" One of the villagers whispers.

"He looks just like him, he's so cute!" Gushed a women from the crowd.

"Same blonde hair and dreamy blue eyes" sighed a fangirl.

"I hear he's the top student in his class at the academy" said a villager.

'No my father was. I'm not the top student in my class...'

Why do they constantly compare me to him? Why are they always judging me by who my father is? I hate it and it frustrates me to no end. I'm my own person and deserve to be treated as such. But perhaps that's a courtesy I'm not entitled to cause I'm the Hokage's son.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice that I had already arrive at the academy. I stood in the yard underneath a large tree.

I was standing in the shade that the tall tree provided and then suddenly I hear a gentle voice call out to me.

"Why are you so upset?"

I looked about the yard but no one was around. Then I heard the voice giggle lightly, to me the sound was melodious. Angelic even.

"Up here silly" the voice called.

I lifted my gaze up to the tree too and saw a girl with pink hair perched on a high tree branch.

Her silky looking hair reached just bellow her shoulder blades and covered up the hood of her red hoodie that she wore. Underneath she wore a purple t-shirt the was exposed at the in front since the jacket was left open. A pair of navy blue shorts that went down to mid thigh completed her look.

Her eyes were a dazzling emerald green that seemed to sparkle in the sun light. They portrayed happiness, kindness, compassion, care and genuine concern.

"Get down from there! You'll hurt yourself!" I yelled up to her in concern.

She giggled again.

"Don't worry I'll be fine! Why don't you come up here and join me?" She suggested.

I hesitated at first but after a minute or so of contemplating, I climbed up the big tree towards her. I climbed until  I reached the same branch she was sitting and sat down beside her.

"Your Naruto right?" She asked.

"Yeah, Naruto Uzumaki. What's yours?" I returned.

"Sakura, Sakura Haruno" she replied.

"So why were so upset?" She asked.

I couldn't she actually wanted to listen to my petty and trivial problems. When there are so many more important things. It was hard to believe I girl like this existed. She cared about a person she barely knows enough to take the time to listen to me ramble on about my stupid issues.

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