Chapter Two: Broken Promises

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I walked in silence, caught up in my own thoughts. What was on my mind? It was Gaara.

He was my first friend whom I've only met today, and to think that he'll be whisked away to Suna by the morning.

I might not see him ever again, and it hurt to think of it. With a mere few hours of knowing each other, I feel as though we formed a bond. A bond that will last through the tough times we will face, that will grow once we reunite.

It may be days, weeks, months, years even. But I will wait and never forget about him. One day will see each otheragain, I know it.

I was excited at the thought and imagined what it would be like.

Two older versions of each other wrapped in each other's embrace. Bright smiles, words of 'I missed you' and 'I can't believe it's you' shared. Maybe a few tears, mostly from me though.

I sighed, but who knows how long it will be until then. But even so, it won't change how much I miss him. I just hope, pray that he will remember me when that day comes.

Shaking away the thoughts, I suddenly feel an odd sensation throughout my body. Like a sense of worry and dread coursing through my veins.

Like the tingling feeling you get while nervous but more similar to when one is afraid.

It didn't sit right with me and it only caused the feeling to amplify. It was almost as if it was trying to rush me home, warning of something I wasn't aware of.

I pondered as to what it possibly could be and somewhere along my train of thought it somehow reaches my parents.

'What about Mommy and Daddy? They must be worried about me since it's getting pretty late. It's almost completely dark out... But they would usually come looking for me, why haven't they?'

'Maybe they fell asleep while waiting... But what if something happened? What if they are hurt? Or they are in danger?'

A cold bead of sweat fell from my brow at the mere thought of them hurt, or in any way caused harm.

True fear whelmed inside me and without knowing so took off running as fast as my short legs could carry me before my mind could register what my body was doing.

Begging that I was wrong and was simply over reacting.


~A few minutes later, at her house~


Arriving at the oh so familiar house I stop running and stood in front of the entry way.

Fright found its way into my system as I gazed at the door. There it lay on the floor, unhinged and the once smooth oak wood was now splintered.

The door frame in a similar state as the door busted open completely. In an attempt to get in the house. Well, it was far from an attempt, seeing as though it worked and the intruders are now inside with my parents.

'Oh no! Mommy and Daddy are still in there!'

Panic surged through as I unthinkingly rush into the house, running through the places in search of them. On the occasion calling out to them.

After almost searching the entire household income to a stop a door. It shut tightly but what caught my attention was the sounds the came from behind it.

Muffled voices, shuffling, loud thuds and hisses of...pain.

My eyes widen in alarm. Putting two and two together.

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