Chapter Twenty Eight: [Editing]

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The supposed hunter nin disappeared and the rest of us were shock.
"I thought you were the only who could do that" Kakashi said to me.
I nodded in agreement.
"Yeah but I'd been practicing it since as long I can remember. Clearly I'm not the only one" I replied.
"Wait a minute! What do you mean you thought she was the only one who could it?!" Naruto screamed.
"Sakura started her training long before either of you did. She is capable of much more then either of you" Kakashi explained.
I blushed in embarrassment.
"Kakashi I wouldn't go as far that" I said rubbing the back of my neck.
I shook my head.
"Still we need to get Tasuna somewhere safe. You said you lived near by correct?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Right follow me"
We followed the bridge builder to his house until finally reaching it.
"I'm back" Tasuna
said aloud.
"Tasuna your back!" A women greeted.
"Yes, Tsunami and these are the ninja responsible for my safe travel back" he said introducing us.
"I am Kakashi and this are my students" The Jounin said.
"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Believe it!" Said the blonde.
"Hn, Sasuke" the emo said.
"I'm Sakura it's nice to meet you" I said.
"Nice to meet you too, all of you" Tsunami welcomed.
"Oh my you all must be hungry! Please allow me to make us some dinner" the women said before leaving to the kitchen.
The bridge builder sighed.
"I don't know what to do. How can I finish the bridge and keep them safe without having to worry about that Zabuza guy"
"Don't worry we are here to protect you and your family" Kakashi answered.
"Yeah and the next time we see Zabuza
will take him down for sure!" Naruto stated.
"What do you even try? You're just gonna get yourselves killed!" A new voice spoke.
I turned to see a young boy with an angry expression on his face.
"Inari!" Tsunami, who I believe is his mother said.
"What's the big idea you brat?!" Naruto yelled at him.
"Naruto!" I shout to him.
"He's the one saying that were gonna die!" Naruto defended
"Yeah well at least I'm not stupid enough to go and get myself killed!" Inari shot back.
With that the boy left.
"Ugh! Why that little!" The blonde fumed.
"I'm sorry about Inari he just hasn't been the same since his father died" Tasuna said. He then told us the story of how his father died trying to stop Gato. But to only be executed in front of the entire village.
As he told the story I couldn't help but remember what had happened to my parents. All the blood... Their blood... The sound of their screams.
I visibly winced.
"Hits a little to close to home, doesn't Sakura?" Said the silver haired shinobi.
I nodded.
"I take it you have lost someone close to you?" The bridge builder asked.
I nodded again. Unknown to us Inari had heard everything.

Tsunami finished preparing dinner and we ate the food. Sasuke and Naruto were bickering while Tasuna, Tsunami and Kakashi chatted.
I ate in silence, not really in the mood to speak. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Inari. Knowing the pain, I would never wish that upon anyone. I kept glancing at the boy and at times to see him staring at me. After I was finished my meal I went out side and climbed up a tree and sat on branch. I was thinking about everything that has been going on until my thoughts were interrupted.
"Miss Sakura?" Someone asked from down bellow.
I looked down to see none other then Inari.
"Inari? Do you need something?"
"No I just wanted to talk to you"
"Alright" I answered. I jumped down  from the tree.
"Here follow me" I said.
I grabbed hold of his hand and took him over to river. I sat down on the ground, him doing the same.
It was night out and we were in the middle of the forest.
"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked the boy.
"Umm well. I over heard that you had lost someone you cared about, is that true?" He asked.
I was hoping he wouldn't ask that but he knows what it's like so I won't deny him an honest answer.
"Yes it is true. I lost my parents when I was 3 years old. That was almost 8 years ago" I answered.
His eyes widened.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you do know what it's like" he said.
"Don't feel sorry for me Inari. There was nothing you could've done, or anything I could've done. But I'm come to terms with it. As should you" I told him.
"What do you mean?" He questioned
"Inari, your father meant a lot to you. But you need to accept the fact that he is gone. You need to get on with your life. That's what he would've wanted, not for you to feel sorry for yourself but push forward" I explained.
He looked down and shivered slightly. I gave him my red hoodie and put it on him. He was deep in thought.
"Think about it. Now come on let's get you back home" I told him.
I lead him home only to have him trudge sleepily. I picked him up and carried him. I sang a little lullaby.
By the time I reached the house he was fast asleep. I stopped singing and smiled down at him.
I took him to his room and placed him in his bed. I pulled the covered over him and he snuggled into his pillow. I smiled once more.
"Good night, Inari"
Kami please, Take care of him

Sakura, Strong like no other  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now