Chapter Six: "Reminds me of Itachi"

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April 8th (2 days later)

I was walking through the village, my destination, was no where in particular. I was walking aimlessly through the streets of Konoha. I was just simply going wherever my feet will take me.

It was mid afternoon, perhaps sometime near six o'clock. The sun would begin to set shortly and paint the sky with shades of pink, violet, orange and of course indigo.

In all honesty I wasn't even thinking about where I was heading. I was a little preoccupied at the moment.

You see, for today's training I was getting use to my weights. I had them increased again this morning. A total of 500 pounds. Now you must be thinking...

Two days ago I was extremely tried because I wasn't use to the extra weight and now I increased them again. Well that is because I need to expand my chakra reserves.

I had come to the conclusion that with the larger chakra reserves I had, the more jutsu I can perform in battle. And due to my  near-perfect chakra control I waste little to no chakra when performing justu. But with my small chakra reserves it won't do me any good.

Anyway, before doing my exercises with the added weight I had decided to walk around before hand. To get used to it, well somewhat at least.

So here I am, walking through the village I call home with the weight of 500 pounds baring down on me. Villagers sending me a light smile as they walk past me, which I return with own full blown grin.

But even a smile caused me great strain, it took a lot more effort then it should have. I could feel myself tiring with every step I took. I knew I was reaching my limit, I knew I was practically on the brink of collapsing.

But as they say...

'When there's a wall -'

"You break through it!"

So I kept walking, a new sense of determination washing over my body. A smile finds it way to my face as I continue on, the beads of sweat falling from my forehead. My muscles complaining and aching from the exertion, yet I still don't care.

At some point in my journey, I had made my way to the shopping district where it was occupied with many busy shoppers. No doubt buying food for their families at home. But someone in particular caught my eye.

It was women who was much taller then I was. She had long black hair with tints of navy in it, some bangs framing her elegant looking face. Her eyes were dark like her hair except they more resembled a shade of onyx.

She was carrying a few bags of groceries which looked fairly heavy from my point of view. She looked like she was struggling to carry them so I decided help her.

Third Person's POV:

Mikoto Uchiha was walking towards her house on the way back from a busy day shopping. Bags of groceries were piled in her hands and were heavier then she was willing to admit.

But she wasn't about to lose her pride by asking someone to help. After all, she was an Uchiha. But unlike the males in her family she wasn't as strong as they were and maybe she wished she had brought Itachi with her to help.

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