Chapter 4

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What heck was my great-grandmother doing with this stuff, if it was hers?

The first journal entry was short but it was better than staring at foreign language. I pulled the book close to my face and read carefully.

"April 24, 1900

They're everywhere.

I don't know how they keep finding me but it's becoming a burden that I can't deal with. My blood is abnormal, I know that, and I wish I could fix it but I haven't figured out how yet.

I'm still trying but I'm afraid there's not much I can do. These... Abominations are tracking me down 24/7.

I ran into a Freelancer the other day who said he might be able to help me. I heard these were one of the few groups of good supernaturals still around. But albeit my suspicion of everyone I come in contact with now, I feel like this man was my only hope at escaping my pursuers.

It's now or never, I pray that I make it out alive.


My confusion grew once I was finished. Suspicion and shock began to bubble up inside.

Abominations? Abnormal blood? Freelancer? Supernaturals?

Either my grandmother was very drunk when she wrote this or she was on some kind of medication.

I flipped onto the next entry.

"November 6, 1901

I haven't updated in awhile. But that's only because I'm ashamed at what I have done.

The Freelancer who succeeded in helping me escape the Abominations, stuck around afterwards. I became too attached to the handsome lad, though, and am sorry to admit that I have grown pregnant with his child.

I'll love the child, yes, but I am afraid for its safety. There's always the possibly of the Abominations returning to their hunt for my family's twisted bloodline.

But I took precautionary measures beforehand and contacted a kindly wizard friend of mine. He gave me a spell that could wipe my blood off the charts; but I'm afraid it'll take some time.

We did the spell, luckily, before I became pregnant and he informed me that whatever twisted genes I had set into my DNA would disappear over a matter of one hundred years, but only last for two generations.

And after those two generations, if one hundred years had not passed, the first child of the third generation would be born with the bloodline, and the spell would be broken.

I had told myself I'd stay a virgin, just to be sure the spell worked and the bloodline disappeared. But alas, I gave in to the love of my life and was blessed with the child I hold in my stomach today.

If things go wrong and the spell is broken, I hope my great-granddaughter lives a safe and normal life.

But for obvious reasons, I doubt that.


Something uneasy tickled up my throat while reading. I had no clue what the heck my grandmother was rambling on about but it obviously concerned me, if any of it were true.

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