Chapter 22

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My heart was beating out of my chest as I ran, dodging trees and bushes. I could hear the pounding of the feet of vampires behind me which served as my encouragement to not slow down. I got scraped by branches I didn't see until it was too late and barely avoided smacking my head on some.

I don't know how long I ran but I eventually came out on the other side of the woods. The hill loomed in the distance, separated from me by a large field of tall grass. I quickly jumped into the field and fell onto my back to avoid being seen by my pursuers. When I heard all of the footsteps stop and angry voices asking where I was, I held my breath and hoped they'd give up.

"What if she's hiding in the field?" one asked.

"If she is, she isn't our problem anymore. It's the Field of Snakes. Those bastards will get ahold of her soon enough," another answered. "Good luck getting outta there bitch!" They then yelled. I ignored the nasty comment and instead froze with fear. Snakes? Did they say snakes? Oh God... please no. I had the strongest fear of snakes and being swallowed in a field, where I couldn't see anything, that was inhabited by them didn't help me at all. But I couldn't run out and risk being seen by the vampires, so my only option was to stay low and creep through the tall grass.

I made sure to do it quick though; no need to be slow. As I crept through, seeing nothing but dim sunlight above and tall grass ahead, I wasn't able to keep my shaking at ease.

Then the hisses came.

Some were accompanied by rattles, others by the sound of rustled grass. I saw movement to my right and left, but none ahead. I stood up a bit more so I could speed my crawling to a small run. That's when the movement increased and the snakes, I assumed, kept up with my pace.

How intelligent were these things?!

My foot hit something large and sent me flying to the ground. When I realized it was an actual snake stretched out across my path, painted with a red and black pattern, I was unable to hold back a cry. It raised its head and shot its forked tongue into the air, staring at me with the terrifying eyes. It managed to narrow them at me, confirming my suspicion of them being highly intelligent.

Supernatural snakes? Seriously? Don't I ever get a break?

The snake moved and hissed, beginning to slither towards me. I tried to scramble away but another snake, a complete black one, wrapped its thick body around my right leg and constricted it. I was crying uncontrollably and kicking at it with my other foot, until a yellow and black one began to slither up it. Another followed and tightened its lengthy self around my waist. Then more snakes, more than I could count, slithered out from the tall grass and encircled the rest of me: two on my arms and one on my neck. The one around my neck started to constrict tighter and caused my breathing to slow, so did the one around my stomach. I started coughing and tugging at their scaly bodies but it was like trying to move a solid brick wall. Their taunting hisses in my ear didn't help.

Not only was I terrified out of my mind and probably about to die from a heart attack before the snakes could asphyxiate me, I was also angry that I couldn't just be left in peace. What the heck did I ever do?

The snake around my neck squeezed tighter as I opened my mouth to gasp for air. Just then, a smaller and more normal sized snake slithered up my chest and raised its head so I could look into its eyes. I saw its narrow pupils look down at my mouth and I quickly shook my head (or tried to), doing my best not to throw up at the thought. I gritted my teeth at it and glared angrily. A muffled "no" escaped my lips as my tears turned angry. I cried for them to let me go until finally... all my restrainers started to loosen.

The one above me widened his eyes, which started to become engulfed in a full purple glow. I looked down at the ones around my legs and arms and realized theirs were doing the same. It was like looking at Kade's black eyes just... purple.

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