Chapter 27

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N-no... no. Kade hadn't really...

Did he?

My suspicion was answered when he tightened his hand around Maeve's throat and caused her to gasp and croak for his release. Odis had snapped back to reality and tried to throw a punch at Kade, his eyes full of guilt and regret as he did. Kade dodged it swiftly and, with his free hand, returned the punch and landed a clean hit on Odis's jaw. It must've been pretty heavy because he started to stumble backwards and shook his head with unfocused eyes. Kade spread his fingers and Odis became pinned against the rail by some invisible force. His eyes held defeat but I could tell his heart didn't. He was only focused on Maeve, proving that he had some kind of special connection with her; I'd always felt that. At this rate though, it seemed Kade was going to kill her.

I was the only hope.

I approached him from behind and said his name quietly, thinking violence might not be the best approach. I didn't see it coming until it was too late, though. Kade slapped me... and he slapped me hard.

I stumbled back and already felt my cheek burning, from the hit and from anger. It wasn't a blow that was meant for defense or whatever... it was meant for humiliation. I could almost... feel it. I touched my hand to my cheek and allowed my mouth to fall open in shock as I felt the slightest formation of a handprint. Kade glared at me over his shoulder and snarled.

"You need to learn how to shut your mouth and back down, Isabella," he growled in that demonic voice that hid the gentle, normal one. "I'm not your puppet!"

I took a deep breath and almost began my argument. It was altered when I noticed Maeve's eyes beginning to droop shut. "Kade, you're gonna kill her! Let Maeve go!" I yelled. When her eyes fully closed, he dropped her like she was nothing.

"You wanna take her place?" he asked. It was slow, but my head nodded. Better me than her.

Before I could process it, Kade's hand was around my throat and I was pinned to the balcony doors. He kept me on my feet but it really didn't help with the asphyxiation I was receiving. It was official... everything wanted to choke me to death.

"Kade... this... isn't you!" I croaked. His black eyes dug into my soul but I stayed focused and hurried with my attempt to stop him. "Do you... really want to kill your friends? Why... are you... submitting to this?!" I was already seeing spots and feeling my last bit of air go.

"Have you not been listening, Bella?! I've always been like this! I've just kept it hidden away all these years!" he answered.

"Exactly! You know this side isn't really you! You know... it's something you need... to get rid of! Fighting it shows... you're not a bad guy!" I wheezed. "Don't become what they think you are, Kade. Don't become a... a monster."

"It's too late for that. How can a descendant of Satan not be a monster?" he responded. Was it weird to say I could see hurt even in his black eyes?

"Don't forget you... have another side. Pursue your inner warlock. Don't choose your demon side," I said. After another pointless attempt to suck in air, I felt my tears start to flow. "Please... K-Kade. If not for yourself... then do it for me."

His grip lightened slightly but not enough to give me an opportunity to breathe. "Why would you care?! You'll be gone soon anyway!" he yelled. Even with his aggressive tone, I heard the bit of hesitance.

"Don't... give me that bullshit. You know I care about you, whether I'm here or not. I... would rather die than watch you suffer like this. Hell... if that was all it took, I'd eat a bullet instantly," I whispered, since that was all I could do at the moment. Confusion struck his face.

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