Chapter 37

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I slipped from Kade's hold to go talk to the others. They were waiting patiently out in the hall and all gave me expectant looks.

"He's in there asleep," I whispered. Then I told them what he said about his absence. They all seemed satisfied with the excuse, but no one was reassured when I explained why he was asleep. They were worried, that was obvious. I was too, but I was the only one who knew the real reason behind his sudden sickly feeling.

The next thing that happened was a little group meeting down in the kitchen. We started discussing the warding of the castle again, but it seemed that no one had an idea of what to do. Delilah tried her best, and I listened as intently as I could.

"I could lead you guys to the castle. I've been there myself but I've never been in, of course," she said.

"What's the point of going there if we can't get to Galendale?" Odis asked.

"I could try a few witch spells... but no promises," Maeve added hopelessly. No one seemed determined but Delilah.

"It's worth a try, right?" she insisted. "We can always figure out another plan when we get there." Her round face even carried an encouraging smile, while her fists clutched with hope.

"I've never been up against angel warding... but I have a spell that might be able to take it down," Vivian mentioned. "Of course... I've never tried it so there's no guarantee."

"Do witches have a spell for everything?" I groaned.

"Just about," she answered. "You saw it yourself, I have a whole bookshelf full of em'." Vivian was very helpful, but I doubted her plan probably more than anyone. Something told me doing that would be too easy. These were angels for crying out loud.

"Well, if the spell doesn't work, like Delilah said: we can always try to figure something else out," Odis grumbled.

"I'll go get you the book," Vivian said standing up.

"Wait! You're not going with us?" Maeve asked surprised. Her aunt stopped and looked around the room.

"Nope... I've got to stay and watch this old joint," she answered. "So that means you'll have to cast the spell." Maeve didn't try to argue anymore, she just shifted awkwardly and watched her aunt leave the room without another word.

"How long will it take to get to the castle, Delilah?" I asked the ghost.

"Probably a day or two. It depends on if we take the shortcut," she responded.

"What's the shortcut?" Odis questioned.

"A nearby forest. The castle is on the other side." Delilah then paused and bit her lip with apprehension. "But it's also the dangerous route. I've heard rumors of strange creatures and rogue supernaturals that take shelter amongst the trees." I hated the sound of that but time was something we didn't really have, not Kade at least.

"It's worth the risk," I insisted.

"She's right. We don't know when Salazar's next attack could be. If we waste time... things could get worse," Maeve agreed. Odis nodded his understanding just as Vivian returned with the book. She handed the leather covered work over to her niece and pointed out the red ribbon serving as some sort of bookmark.

"That's the page," she said. "There's not much more than that." Maeve glanced at it momentarily, only to nod afterward which left us with more awkward silence.

"I think we should leave as soon as possible, at least before nightfall so we can get some distance," I eventually said. The others agreed and for some reason, after a bit more chit chatting, we settled on leaving now. I didn't think it would be so soon but it worked for me; it meant getting closer to my ticket home quicker.

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