Chapter 34

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Kade raced over in an instant, too quick for Salazar to defend himself. He literally snatched the demon away by his hair and somehow managed to throw him against the wall. I scrambled off the bed and quickly slipped on my change of clothes before things went haywire.

"How many times am I going to have to tell you to keep your hands off of her?!" Kade yelled as he wrapped his hand around Salazar's throat. The other one smashed into his face but Salazar barely flinched. In fact, he just smiled.

"Sorry... I couldn't help myself. She just looked so easy. You know what I mean? Her skin is so warm, her body is so frail, her lips are so soft... but I'm sure you know that already, don't you?" He started laughing when Kade punched him again. "Man, I was so close to getting into her panties. That's all you wanna do, right? All you care about is getting her in bed and wrecking her until she can't even think."

I cringed, already feeling the putrid effects of Kade's madness. I could tell Salazar was just trying to get him angry. That way his madness would leak and cause the sickness to grow stronger and work faster.

Kade went wild and pounded into the demon until his face was coated in blood. "I swear to God, I'm tired of you barging in and putting your hands on my girl. And if you ever think about touching her again, Hell's gonna have to find you some replacement parts," he threatened. His voice was becoming deeper, affecting me even further. I fell to my knees and started coughing, while my vision became blurred and a headache caused me to groan in agony. Nausea hit me like a truck but I stomached what little food I had in me. I tried to call out to Kade but my throat was as dry as sand, aching as I wheezed air.

"Look at her, Kayden. Look at what you're doing to your precious lady," Salazar said, nodding his head towards me. Kade glanced over, momentarily locking his black eyes with mine. His scowling and furious expression softened as he took in my weakened state. "Every time you let your madness go, you slowly kill Bella. Each time drains her life, sometimes by a lot and sometimes just barely. It depends on how angry you get and how much you let yourself go. Soon enough, she'll reach her limit... and there'll be nothing you can do to save her. A goddess isn't meant to withstand the madness of a demon, even if it's just half. I'm surprised she isn't dead already." Salazar talked seriously but his bloodied face displayed a smile.

His plan was working out just great. If Kade lets his madness go, it not only kills me due to my inability to withstand it, but it also strengthens the growing sickness inside of him, gradually eating away his insides as we speak. The bullet, to make matters worse, not only spawned the sickness but increased the intensity of Kade's madness. The stronger the madness, the stronger the sickness, and the more I die each time Kade unleashes it.

He turned back to Salazar and held his fist high, preparing to punch him again. Each time he did it, though, I could feel myself weaken and fall beneath the madness. Kade was so angry, angrier than when he got shot. If he didn't stop now, I was going to die.

I inhaled a raspy breath and began to tremble. My head hurt so bad, my bones stiff and aching with it. I was so nauseated, I couldn't even sit on my knees and collapsed to the floor. Why couldn't a supernatural like me withstand just half of a demon's madness? Kade wasn't even a full demon!

A loud ringing struck my ear but I was able to hear heavy footsteps coming upstairs. They were urgent and I could almost feel the worry radiating from the people they came from.

Maeve came barging through the door, followed by Odis and some lady with dark red hair and dull blue eyes. She was a bit aged, maybe in her late thirties or early forties. I could only assume she was Maeve's aunt, Vivian.

Maeve rushed over to me but I motioned her away. "H... help Kade," I whispered. "Calm... him." We both eyed the fight, which I now realized had escalated dramatically. Salazar was fighting back and had Kade pinned to the floor by his throat. Kade scratched at his arm, teeth gritted and eyes still black. His anger was rising too fast for me and I could just feel what little life I had left slipping away. My body was in so much pain, mentally and physically, that I could barely even twitch my fingers without moaning in agony.

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