Chapter 8

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I was immediately bombarded with questions of what the future was like, what was new or what had changed. I did my best to answer them, describing the modern technology like cars, computers, phones, even airplanes, and more.

Kade was silent, though, and stood back watching me with a tender look I didn't recognize. It made heat rush to my cheeks and I quickly tried to distract myself with focusing on answering more questions from Odis and Maeve.

Finally, looking astonished, they ran out of things to ask and Kade decided to get back to business.

"Is it true you're Eliza's great-granddaughter?" he asked quietly, sending a look of shock over Odis's and Maeve's faces.

I nodded.

"Is it true you hold the twisted bloodline?" he continued.

"I don't know. If what I read in my great-grandmother's journal was true, about the spell and all, I think so," I replied in a weak voice.


I took a deep breath and began to explain to him and the others everything, while Odis began fixing up my shoulder.

I told them about the moving situation and the attic, as well as the glass and my injuries. I told them about the broken floor and finding my grandmother's collection of studies, as well as her journal and its entries. Then I told them about the coin and me passing out before ending up in the alley way.

They all listened with interest and I could see Odis and Maeve boiling up with questions, but Kade seemed to prevail.

"Thomas was a good man," he said, since I had also mentioned Thomas. "It was like any other day, he was our leader at the time, and although strict, he was very caring of others. Out of nowhere, a young lady comes in, begging for someone to help her. According to Thomas, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He agreed to help her and we soon figured out her story.

She was on the run from a group of supernaturals we have been hunting for the longest of times, the Abominations. They're mainly gargoyles, like Xur, and demons, along with other rogues who care nothing for human life, nor us. She said they wanted her blood, that it was some sort of mixture of various bloodlines and its power was... overwhelming. What they wanted with it, we don't know. But Thomas helped her, he fell in love, and he got himself killed. Eliza was devastated when she returned pregnant with his child. She told us about the spell, though, and how it worked. But... to tell you the truth, we never expected the baby to live and have a child of her own, and so on."

I listened thoughtfully and pain-heartedly as Kade finished. I'd had enough of the tragic stories about my grandmother but they just never seemed to end.

"Is it true no one knew what kind of supernatural she was?" I asked, quietly.

"Yes, it is true. But her abilities were amazing." He paused and seemed to fall deep into thought. "Are you sure you've never exhibited any type of unusual behavior? Nothing... supernatural?" His eyes studied me hard, as if my actions would tell everything.

I look down at my bandaged hand and tried to think back. Nothing came to mind.

"Besides my eyes being," I answered.

He nodded slowly and sat on the table with his arms crossed, just as Odis finished with my shoulder and moved on down to my shin.

"It's possible for some supernaturals to exhibit late behavior, even in their late teens," Maeve chipped in, not making me feel any better.

Kade nodded slowly again and continued to study me with blue eyes, which made my chest tighten with God knows what.

"I've never seen a supernatural with purple eyes...," I heard him mumbled under his breath and to himself.

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