Chapter 49

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I didn't know what to focus more on... the dragons shrieking and clawing at each other in the sky or the numerous elves wrestling with the Cerberus. Farlen was growing just as worried as us and actually began to look helpless.

Nearby, I heard a cry of pain and watched as Kade collapsed to the ground hissing, with Salazar on his knees not too far away. When I started to get a splitting headache, my whole mind flooded with realization.

"Lord Farlen! If you can, please go help the others! Tell whoever's fighting the Cerberus that there's a bare spot on its chest. That's its weak spot!" I yelled. The elf removed a sword he'd been carrying on his back and with just a nod of understanding, he rushed into battle.

"Bella? What's wrong?" Maeve asked when I painfully rubbed my temples. Based on the tone of her voice, I had a feeling she already had an idea of what was happening. But I directed her attention to Kade who had begun to shake his head quickly, fighting off some mental force. Maeve shook her head too, then Odis (still in his wolf form), and then me. It was happening again. Again. Please no.

Nausea struck me and then it was the physical sensation of bricks tumbling on top of me. I fell to one knee, furious and growling with frustration and pain. "Son of a bitch," I muttered as the headache intensified and triggered a ringing in my ear. My vision was blurred but I was able to see Odis shift back and sprint to Kade. Maeve was at my side, staring into my squinted eyes with her vibrant green ones.

"Bella? Bella... stay with me." The ringing absorbed her voice and her beauty was blocked out by the blurriness. Things became wavy, disproportionate. I was in so much pain, aching at every single joint, every single muscle. I collapsed to the ground and cried, though I couldn't hear it clearly and wondered if I was just screaming instead. For a split second, I was able to make out Odis and Kade in the background.

Odis was screaming at Kade, inching closer until Kade shoved him away and yelled back. Salazar was chuckling nearby, weak, bleeding, and barely able to stand it seemed. He watched the scene play out without a single intervention.

"Bella... she's... Kade! Snap... quit it!" I could hear Odis shouting things but only managed to make out bits and pieces of what he was saying. "Madness, Kade! Bella... dying... stop! Sickness... spreading... come on!"

I blinked quickly in an attempt to adjust my eyesight. Only managing a slight improvement, I was able to see Kade having a slight spasm and his friend backing off worriedly. Something was radiating from him... in the literal sense, I mean. It was sparking the air, sizzling, creating a ripple-how to perfectly describe it, I don't know. Kade started crying out loudly, screaming as he patted himself down like someone who was on fire. He finally turned around for me to see his face, though I wish he hadn't.

It was covered in the pasty black substance that appeared to melt his skin. Consume was probably the correct term. He tried not to touch it but the temptation was too strong. He was in so much pain, yelling as he furiously tugged his shirt over his head. His whole body was coated in the blackness and his clothes obviously weren't helping the burning sensation he once described. 'Like a really bad sunburn, only worse.' I watched painfully, stiff and still as he writhed in agony.

The thing that hurt more than anything was his black eyes.

The demonic gaze was fighting against his pain. Something evil was trying to take control of him, trying to make him forget how bad the consumption was. His voice alternated from menacingly deep and regular, though the regular was giving out with every scream.

My heart was shattering into pieces. Seeing him in so much pain made me want to endure all the torture for him. He was being consumed by something he couldn't control, something I wanted to get rid of immediately.

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