Chapter 33

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A girly scream was what woke me up.

I jerked and instantly felt the strong arms around me, pulling me against a firm and warm chest. Kade jumped too and his eyes widened as he turned over to look at the door.

There stood Maeve, her hands covering a bright smile that she was striving to hold back but just couldn't. She started to giggle as her vibrant green eyes widened. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. You guys... you... finally!" she squealed. Her hands clapped together as she jumped for joy. "I thought you'd never get together!"

Kade groaned and snatched a pillow from under his head, then threw it at Maeve who swiftly dodged it. "Would you leave?! Now?!" he yelled. She giggled childishly and winked at the two of us.

"No problem, sugar. Privacy is obviously what you need," she said mischievously before slipping out of the room and quietly closing the door.

Kade turned back over and laid his head beside mine, groaning again as he shut his eyes. "She's only excited," I whispered.

"She needs to learn how to freaking knock," he said in reply. I placed a hand on his cheek which immediately opened his eyes.

"You act all macho but deep down inside you're a big softy," I teased. He leaned over me and smiled.

"Were you thinking that last night?" he asked. Don't be fooled by his words, nothing really happened. There was just a lot kissing and grabbing, in more ways than one, but no major thing happened. I was still a virgin.

I did lose my gown at one point, though, but I didn't consider it a big deal.

"Next time I won't take it so easy," Kade said as he crawled out of bed. I knew what he meant but I wasn't sure of a "next time". The possibilities of it happening were low and the thought made me extremely upset.

"Do you think we should clarify what happened so Maeve doesn't go into a squealing faze?" I asked, scrambling up after him.

While stretching his arms, he glanced over his shoulder at me and winked. "I think I'll leave that honor to you," he said. I was expecting that, better me than him to calm her down.

As he sat back on the bed, I noticed something on his back and nearly slapped myself. Talk about getting carried away. Maybe I was so into it because I'd been waiting so long for it to happen. It still didn't dull my embarrassment, though. How long until he notices all the scratches covering his back and teases me about them? I was hoping his quick healing would have them gone soon.

I sat behind him anyway, on my knees and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Is your shoulder feeling any better?" I asked. He touched his hand to the bandages and sighed, already answering my question without words.

"I wish. It seems even worse than last night," he grumbled. I was actually surprised to hear his response and laid my hand on top of his.

"Maybe it's because you were sleeping on it. It'll get better soon," I reassured. He turned to me and looked down at the bed, nodding his agreement.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Although, it's unusual for me to feel so much pain in a wound after so many hours," he said.

"Well, you did get shot, Kade," I pointed out.

"Yeah... I know," he said quietly. "Just had a funny feeling, that's all."

"Still have butterflies?" I teased. It was meant to cheer him up and it did; he smiled and huffed a laugh.

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