Chapter 51

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I changed my username :D
Out on the battlefield, two different portals opened up; one for the hellish creatures and the other for Lord Farlen and his people. He met my gaze and with a final wave goodbye, began leading the elves into it, along with his prized dragon Rahul. Across from them, wounded gargoyles raced into their portal as they were pursued by the supernaturals I arrived with. They had lost the war and that brought even more comfort to my heart.

There were only a few casualties from our side but a majority of the ground was surfaced in beastly gargoyles, the monstrous Cerberus that soaked in its own pile of blood, and the dragon Rahul miraculously defeated. The supernaturals began to encircle us and held nothing but fulfillment in their eyes. All of the wendigoes survived the fight, which I didn't doubt they would. Scar stood contemptuously and although he had little to no soul, I could sense something new in him. I could sense something new in all of our allies.

"You guys fought well. I mean, come on... we won for crying out loud!" I celebrated. There was a loud uproar as every creature cheered victoriously. "I can't thank you guys enough."

"Bella," Kade whispered in my ear. He directed my attention towards the castle doors where Galendale was standing patiently. The smile I had suddenly disappeared... but why? The wizard held the coin with an expectant grin on his face, which I could only assume meant success. So why was I upset?

He began to approach us and my heart randomly started to thump faster and harder against my chest. I felt... confused, startled, and... overwhelmingly sad. When he was standing inches away from me and grinning ear to ear, tears stained my eyes. "Are you ready to go home, Bella?" he asked. That's what these feelings were for... I wasn't ready.

Kade must've noticed the look in my eyes because he turned me towards him and gripped my shoulders. "It's okay, Bella. You've worked so hard for this. You've waited so long. I'm sure your family is waiting for you," he whispered.

"But..." I couldn't finish the sentence. I didn't even know what I wanted to say. I looked at all three of them; they were smiling but it was easy to see that the smiles were forced. They were just as upset about this as I was. I didn't want to go back if it meant not seeing them again, but I didn't want to never see my family again, either.

"Kade," my voice quivered and a tear rolled down my cheek. I was going to miss him most of all. I'd experienced love for the first time, a deep love and admiration for someone who just so happened to be him. He never left my side... and now I was about to leave his.

"Shh," he hushed as he pulled me into a tight hug. Maeve and Odis joined in and we stayed in the group hug for awhile. The two eventually pulled away but Kade didn't let go. Neither did I. "I love you, Bella," he whispered. Another tear rolled down my cheek.

"I love you too... Kade. Please don't ever forget me," I mumbled.

"Oh please, I couldn't forget a girl like you." He ended the hug and brushed the hair out of my face. "Have fun in the future. Find you a guy that treats you better than I do." For some reason that sentence made me very angry, but not towards him of course. Just the thought of being with someone else shredded me.

I don't know what came over me but I leaped into his arms and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. With no hesitation or resistance, he kissed me back and hugged my waist tightly. There was something about his touch that got my heart racing, that sparked something inside of me. And based on the way he held me, I could tell he didn't want me to leave, not at all. When we finally pulled away, I turned to Odis and Maeve with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much... all of you," I cried. Maeve, who was already crying too, hugged my neck and wept without words.

"It was nice knowing ya, kid. We're gonna miss you too," Odis said as he also gave me a farewell hug.

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