Chapter 48

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I was nearly deafened by Xur's sudden screech. His jagged sharp teeth were exposed, mouth opened wide enough for his pointed tongue to be seen as it flicked angrily. The black pupils of his fiery amber eyes narrowed even more and based on the way they focused in on me, I had a feeling I was the first target. When he leaped at me, I didn't have time to move and was instantly tackled to the floor by his overwhelming weight. Seven feet of beast was not easy to battle against and I just barely prevented him from biting into my face by keeping my hands around his neck.

His teeth snapped shut forcefully when Odis shoved him off and kicked his face. While the gargoyle attempted to recover from the sudden blow, we all exchanged frantic looks.

"I still need more time!" Galendale cried as he gathered his books and the coin.

"Do you have somewhere safe that you can hide while we handle this?" Kade asked. The wizard didn't take much time to say yes. Before I knew it, we were all rushing out the door, Galendale going his separate way when we reached the stairs. I didn't pay attention to where he went but I hoped it was somewhere no one... or nothing... would ever think to look.

Odis led the rest of us out of the castle and into more chaos. The crowd we'd left behind was scattered, screeching, and battling gargoyles who returned the noise much louder. Blood already coated the grass and dead bodies were tossed about. From what I could see they were mainly gargoyles'.


It pained me to see some of our own dead and I wished them by best regards, but I had to make sure their deaths weren't meaningless. I was going to show these people and creatures that fighting this war was worth their time, effort, and lives.

Even if it cost me my own.

"This isn't going to be easy," Maeve mumbled.

"You're telling me," Kade groaned, nearly collapsing to his knees. He placed a hand on his side and instantly snatched it back hissing. I lifted his shirt to see that the pasty black spot from before had grown larger and spread further across his middle section. Our eyes widened and he winced. "Shit..."

"Is that the sickness?" Odis asked in a panic. I nodded slowly, unable to take my eyes away from the sight. Particles oozed like mist from the wound, proving my theory of it literally sizzling against his skin. "You can't handle this, boy," Odis added, meeting Kade's eyes and frowning. He then glanced out at the war zone and closed his amber eyes. "Bella, get him somewhere safe. This will break him."

"Shut up!" Kade growled, suddenly yelling with pain. "I can handle this! And don't call me 'boy'!"

"Watch who you're raising your voice at! I'm just trying to look out for you!" Odis shouted back. His voice had grown rough... animalistic. I think things were getting to him too.

The two of them locked eyes and snarled like they had suddenly become enemies. I'd started to worry until Maeve resolved the argument herself. "Stop it you two! Look at this: you're turning against each other. You're best friends for crying out loud! Cut it out!" The men stopped their conflict right away and glanced away in shame. Not to take sides but this probably had to do with Kade's temper that worsens when he's injured.

"I can do this," he insisted more calmly. "Trust me. I don't want to give up when the fight's barely started." Odis gazed at him doubtfully... but he didn't disagree. He didn't say anything at all, actually. I knew what he was thinking, though. We all did. I was worried about Kade too but with his stubbornness, there was no way anyone was going to stop him.

A wendigo suddenly flew past us and hit the wall of the castle. It scrambled to its feet and clumsy stood with its lanky height. Based on the way it landed, the creature had obviously been thrown by something, and based on the way it screeched with fury... it was obviously in a fight with that something too.

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