Chapter 11

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Kade's flaming fist whirled Salazar around and the second one socked the demon in the jaw, making a loud cracking sound under the pressure.

I watched with true amazement and a bit of terror as his other hand ignited into flames and slammed into Salazar's other jaw, and then into his stomach.

Kade's eyes, glowing the same vibrant orange as the fire, widened with pure fury when the demon recovered himself.

"Ignorant scum! Do you have any idea who you're messing with?!" Salazar yelled as he tried to straighten his back.

The flames dancing around Kade's hands snaked up his arms and grew larger with excitement. His eyes glowed so bright, I felt they would melt or pop any second.

"I sure as hell know who I'm messing with. Haven't I done this before?" Kade remarked slyly as he clamped a hand around Salazar's pale neck. Ironically, the flames didn't singe his skin.

"And I will do it again and again and again until you perish in hell for all you've done." Kade's tone was becoming psychotic, his smile menacing. Something was sparking inside of him and whatever it was, it wasn't pretty.

Salazar managed to break free from his grasp and they immediately began swinging harsh punches and slamming each other around, flames flying everywhere. I tried to stay as far away from the fight as possible, barely avoiding them.

At first, things seemed to be going well for Kade, but then I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. It was small, but just enough to catch my attention.

When I turned my head, Xur was picking up a chair and eyeing the fight carefully. More specifically: Kade. And it didn't take a genius to figure out his intentions.

Also eyeing the fight carefully, watching as Kade threw Salazar into the wall, I inched closer to Xur and hoped he didn't notice me right away. But he seemed too preoccupied to even take the time to search for obstacles in his plan.

I was a few feet away from him when my hands started feeling around in the darkness for another chair; my only way of defense and attack. But before I could even grab the wooden frame of one, a pair of beady amber eyes shot towards me, wide with dissatisfaction. I swallowed the lump of fear in my throat, quickly grabbed hold of a chair, and hurled it across the room.

But as expected, Xur dodged it and threw himself towards me.

I barely dodged his first swing at my head, claws extended and everything. He started screeching with frustration as I managed to dodge his next three swings and land a weak punch to his left jaw. I wasn't sure how I was doing it but damn did it feel good.

His enormous wings expanded behind him and suddenly, the prongs running along the bottom started lurching at me while his teeth went to snapping at my facial area. I had no clue how to dodge such moves so when he tried to claw at me again, I reluctantly grabbed the wrist of his beefy arm and shoved my palm against his elbow, snapping the bone inward and hearing it break.

He let out a deafening pain filled screech, displaying his razor sharp teeth more than ever, and used his other hand to helplessly claw at me again. He managed to land a blow on my right cheek, leaving a few streaks of red in my tannish skin. Fortunately, his claws didn't reach my eye but came mighty close to doing so.

I flinched and instantly felt blood trickle along my jaw and down to my chin. It dripped onto the hardwood floor below and both Xur and I looked down. When I looked back up, his long reptilian tongue was licking his lips.

His eyes widened with want and his mouth curled into a psychotic smile. And when his amber eyes shot back to my cheek, another lump of fear became clogged in my throat.

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