Chapter 14

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"Do you think he'll be alright out there on his own?" I asked Maeve as I teetered in my seat nervously and gazed out the window. The taunting night sky flashed an endless ocean of stars in my face, almost as if to give me a false sense of security.

"Hello? This is Kade we're talking about! None of us have ever been to this part of town before so he just wants to scout out the place. You know, make sure everything's safe," Maeve answered as she plopped a grape in her mouth. "Man, this hotel's got some good food," she added comically.

I looked over at Odis who was listening to the whole conversation and frowned deeply.
"Why didn't you go with him?" I asked impatiently.

He shrugged his shoulders, not seeming to be all that worried, and raised his hands in defense. "Hey, I tried! But he wouldn't let me come. Typical Kade for ya," he replied. I sighed heavily and shook my head, gazing down at the street outside the window.

We had started our little journey in search for Galendale: me, Kade, Odis, and Maeve (since no else was able to come), and made it through the first day without any problems. Kade seemed to know where he was going so we all followed his orders and went along with everything he said. Although it wasn't exactly planned, we ended up in an unknown part of Boston and had to find a hotel to stay at for the night. As Maeve said, we were waiting for Kade to get back since he had gone out for a bit to check for anything (or anyone) who could possibly be a threat to us. So far, after an hour, he hadn't returned.

"Aw! Someone's worried about her boyfriend!" Maeve teased as she chuckled at her own comment and caused Odis to join in. I rolled my eyes and kept my back turned towards them in an attempt to block them out.

"No. I'm worried about my friend, Maeve, and so should you two," I retorted and brushed my finger over the cold glass of the window.

"That's the point, Bella! You shouldn't be worried about him! Kade comes from a family of powerful warlocks. He'll be fine!" Maeve said as I stared at her reflection in the window. I took a deep, calming breath and tried to allow her words to reassure me, but something was keeping me at the edge of my seat.

Something didn't feel right.

I returned to staring back down at the dark street below and tapped my nails on the windowsill anxiously, feeling as if something was crawling up the back of my neck. Whatever it was made me feel like I was doing something wrong by just sitting around and waiting for Kade's return. So, I pushed back my chair, stood to my feet, and headed towards the door with no clue what I was planning to do.

"Hey, where are you going?" Maeve asked, finally sounding worried. She began to get up too but I raised my hand and signaled her to stop.

"You two stay here, I'm gonna... go out for a bit. Maybe I'll bump into Kade," I said quietly with a total lack of confidence. After eyeing Maeve and Odis carefully and ensuring their obedience, I slipped out the door and into the short hallway of the hotel. After a couple flights of stairs, my feet hit hard pavement and I was out into the chilly night air, intentions set on finding Kade and bringing his stubborn ass back safely.

But like I mentioned, it was freezing outside so I had to pull my arms tightly against myself and pray that Maeve's jean-like pants and blouse kept me warm. Against her word, I was still wearing the jacket I put on in my attic which didn't seem to gain me too many looks from people. I assumed it was because it was black and almost everyone during this time wore some kind of black covering.

The streets were still a bit lively, but not like they were during the day. There were couples walking hand-in-hand, single people enjoying walks, and others hurrying anxiously towards some objective. I scooted right by a few of each, being sure to keep my head low and not draw attention for some unknown reasons. Maybe I wanted to avoid any type of suspicion or conflict just so I could find Kade faster.

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